Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

340 Chapter 8:Hypothesis Testing

when the population standard deviations areσ 1 =10and
(a)σ 2 =5;(b)σ 2 = 10;(c)σ 2 = 20.
30.The data below give the lifetimes in hundreds of hours of samples of two types of
electronic tubes. Past lifetime data of such tubes have shown that they can often be
modeled as arising from a lognormal distribution. That is, the logarithms of the
data are normally distributed. Assuming that variance of the logarithms is equal
for the two populations, test, at the 5 percent level of significance, the hypothesis
that the two population distributions are identical.

Type 1 32, 84, 37, 42, 78, 62, 59, 74

Type 2 39, 111, 55, 106, 90, 87, 85

31.The viscosity of two different brands of car oil is measured and the following data

Brand 1 10.62, 10.58, 10.33, 10.72, 10.44, 10.74

Brand 2 10.50, 10.52, 10.58, 10.62, 10.55, 10.51, 10.53

Test the hypothesis that the mean viscosity of the two brands is equal, assuming
that the populations have normal distributions with equal variances.
32.It is argued that the resistance of wire A is greater than the resistance of wire B.
You make tests on each wire with the following results.

Wire A Wire B
.140 ohm .135 ohm
.138 .140
.143 .136
.142 .142
.144 .138
.137 .140

What conclusion can you draw at the 10 percent significance level? Explain what
assumptions you are making.
In Problems 33 through 40, assume that the population distributions are normal
and have equal variances.
33.Twenty-five men between the ages of 25 and 30, who were participating in a well-
known heart study carried out in Framingham, Massachusetts, were randomly
selected. Of these, 11 were smokers and 14 were not. The following data refer to
readings of their systolic blood pressure.
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