Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

352 Chapter 9: Regression

theregression coefficients, and must usually be estimated from a set of data. A regression
equation containing a single independent variable — that is, one in whichr=1—is
called asimple regression equation, whereas one containing many independent variables is
called amultiple regression equation.
Thus, a simple linear regression model supposes a linear relationship between the mean
response and the value of a single independent variable. It can be expressed as


wherex is the value of the independent variable, also called the input level,Yis the
response, ande, representing the random error, is a random variable having mean 0.

EXAMPLE 9.1a Consider the following 10 data pairs (xi,yi),i=1,..., 10, relatingy, the
percent yield of a laboratory experiment, tox, the temperature at which the experiment
was run.

ixi yi ixi yi
1 100 45 6 150 68
2 110 52 7 160 75
3 120 54 8 170 76
4 130 63 9 180 92
5 140 62 10 190 88

A plot ofyiversusxi— called ascatter diagram— is given in Figure 9.1. As this scatter
diagram appears to reflect, subject to random error, a linear relation betweenyandx,it
seems that a simple linear regression model would be appropriate. ■







40100 120 140 160 180 200 x


FIGURE 9.1 Scatter plot.

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