Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

Problems 415

  1. The following data indicate the gain in reading speed versus the number of weeks
    in the program of 10 students in a speed-reading program.

Speed Gain
Number of Weeks (wds/min)
8 102
11 130
9 105

(a) Plot a scatter diagram to see if a linear relationship is indicated.
(b) Find the least squares estimates of the regression coefficients.
(c) Estimate the expected gain of a student who plans to take the program for
7 weeks.

  1. Infrared spectroscopy is often used to determine the natural rubber content of
    mixtures of natural and synthetic rubber. For mixtures of known percentages, the
    infrared spectroscopy gave the following readings:

Percentage 02040 60 80100
Reading .734 .885 1.050 1.191 1.314 1.432

If a new mixture gives an infrared spectroscopy reading of 1.15, estimate its
percentage of natural rubber.

  1. The following table gives the 1996 SAT mean math and verbal scores in each
    state and the District of Columbia, along with the percentage of the states’ gradu-
    ating high school students that took the examination. Use data relating to the
    first 20 locations listed (Alabama to Maine) to develop a prediction of the mean
    student mathematics score in terms of the percentage of students that take the
    examination. Then compare your predicted values for the next 5 states (based on
    the percentage taking the exam in these states) with the actual mean math scores.

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