Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

Problems 421

Deaths per Year per 100,000 People
Cigarettes Bladder Lung Kidney
State per Person Cancer Cancer Cancer Leukemia

Indiana 2,618 4.09 20.30 2.81 7.00
Iowa 2,212 4.23 16.59 2.90 7.69
Kansas 2,184 2.91 16.84 2.88 7.42
Kentucky 2,344 2.86 17.71 2.13 6.41
Massachusetts 2,692 4.69 22.04 3.03 6.89
Minnesota 2,206 3.72 14.20 3.54 8.28
New York 2,914 5.30 25.02 3.10 7.23
Alaska 3,034 3.46 25.88 4.32 4.90
Nevada 4,240 6.54 23.03 2.85 6.67
Utah 1,400 3.31 12.01 2.20 6.71
Texas 2,257 3.21 20.74 2.69 7.02

19.(a) Draw a scatter diagram of cigarette consumption versus death rate from
bladder cancer.
(b) Does the diagram indicate the possibility of a linear relationship?
(c) Find the best linear fit.
(d) If next year’s average cigarette consumption is 2,500, what is your prediction
of the death rate from bladder cancer?
20.(a) Draw a scatter diagram relating cigarette use and death rates from lung
(b) Estimate the regression parametersαandβ.
(c) Test at the .05 level of significance the hypothesis that cigarette consumption
does not affect the death rate from lung cancer.
(d) What is thep-value of the test in part (c)?
21.(a) Draw a scatter diagram of cigarette use versus death rate from kidney cancer.
(b) Estimate the regression line.
(c) What is thep-value in the test that the slope of the regression line is 0?
(d) Determine a 90 percent confidence interval for the mean death rate from
kidney cancer in a state whose citizens smoke an average of 3,400 cigarettes
per year.
22.(a) Draw a scatter diagram of cigarettes smoked versus death rate from leukemia.
(b) Estimate the regression coefficients.
(c) Test the hypothesis that there is no regression of the death rate from leukemia
on the number of cigarettes used. That is, test thatβ=0.
(d) Determine a 90 percent prediction interval for the leukemia death rate in
a state whose citizens smoke an average of 2,500 cigarettes.
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