Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

426 Chapter 9: Regression

Stress N
(thousand psi) (million cycles to failure)
55.0 .223
50.5 .925
43.5 6.75
42.5 18.1
42.0 29.1
41.0 50.5
35.7 126
34.5 215
33.0 445
32.0 420

33.In 1957 the Dutch industrial engineer J. R. DeJong proposed the following model
for the time it takes to perform a simple manual task as a function of the number
of times the task has been practiced:


whereTis the time,nis the number of times the task has been practiced, andt
andsare parameters depending on the task and individual. Estimatetandsfor
the following data set.

T 22.4 21.3 19.7 15.6 15.2 13.9 13.7
n 0123456

34.The chlorine residual in a swimming pool at various times after being cleaned is
as given:

Chlorine Residual
Time (hr) (pt/million)
2 1.8
4 1.5
6 1.45
8 1.42
10 1.38
12 1.36

Fit a curve of the form
What would you predict for the chlorine residual 15 hours after a cleaning?
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