Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

540 Chapter 12:Nonparametric Hypothesis Tests

Sample Duplicates
6 1.96 1.98
7 1.95 2.03
8 1.96 2.03
9 1.92 2.01
10 2.00 2.12

Test the hypothesis, at the 5 percent level of significance, that the two measuring
instruments give equivalent results.
11.LetX 1 ,...,Xnbe a sample from the continuous distributionFhaving medianm;
and suppose we are interested in testing the hypothesisH 0 :m=m 0 against the
one-sided alternativeH 1 :m>m 0. Present the one-sided analog of the signed
rank test. Explain how thep-value would be computed.
12.In a study of bilingual coding, 12 bilingual (French and English) college students
are divided into two groups. Each group reads an article written in French, and
each answers a series of 25 multiple-choice questions covering the content of the
article. For one group the questions are written in French; the other takes the
examination in English. The score (total correct) for the two groups is:

Examination in French 11 12 16 22 25 25
Examination in English 10 13 17 19 21 24

Is this evidence at the 5 percent significance level that there is difficulty in
transferring information from one language to another?
13.Fifteen cities, of roughly equal size, are chosen for a traffic safety study. Eight of
them are randomly chosen, and in these cities a series of newspaper articles dealing
with traffic safety is run over a 1-month period. The number of traffic accidents
reported in the month following this campaign is as follows:

Treatment group 19 31 39 45 47 66 74 81
Control group 28 36 44 49 52 52 60

Determine the exactp-value when testing the hypothesis that the articles have
not had any effect.
14.Determine thep-value in Problem 13 by
(a) using the normal approximation;
(b) using a simulation study.
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