Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

Problems 573

equivalent to an increase inE[−Xi]. Hence, we can detect a decrease in the mean value
of an item by running a one-sided cumulative sum chart on the negatives of the subgroup
averages. That is, for specified valuesdandB, not only do we plot the quantitiesSjas
before, but, in addition, we let




and then also plot the valuesTj, where

T 0 = 0
Tj+ 1 =max{Tj+Wj+ 1 ,0}, j≥ 0

The first time that eitherSjorTjexceedsBσ/

n, the process is said to be out of control.
Summing up, the following steps result in a cumulative sum control chart for detecting
a change in the mean value of a produced item: Choose positive constantsdandB; use the
successive subgroup averages to determine the values ofSjandTj; declare the process out
of control the first time that either exceedsBσ/

n. Three common choices of the pair of
valuesdandBared=.25,B=8.00, ord=.50,B=4.77, ord=1,B=2.49. Any
of these choices results in a control rule that has approximately the same false alarm rate as
does theX-control chart that declares the process out of control the first time a subgroup
average differs fromμby more than 3σ/

n. As a general rule of thumb, the smaller the
change in mean that one wants to guard against, the smaller should be the chosen value


  1. Assume that items produced are supposed to be normally distributed with mean
    35 and standard deviation 3. To monitor this process, subgroups of size 5 are
    sampled. If the following represents the averages of the first 20 subgroups, does it
    appear that the process was in control?

Subgroup No. X Subgroup No. X
1 34.0 6 32.2
2 31.6 7 33.0
3 30.8 8 32.6
4 33.0 9 33.8
5 35.0 10 35.8
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