Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

Problems 43

Means of Transportation
to Work
Average Travel
Region, Division, Percent Using Public Time to Work^1
and State Transportation (minutes)
Louisiana......... 3.0 22.3
Oklahoma........ 0.6 19.3
Texas............. 2.2 22.2
West.................. 4. 1 22.7
Mountain........... 2.1 19.7
Montana.......... 0.6 14.8
Idaho............. 1.9 17.3
Wyoming......... 1.4 15.4
Colorado......... 2.9 20.7
New Mexico...... 1.0 19.1
Arizona........... 2.1 21.6
Utah............. 2.3 18.9
Nevada........... 2.7 19.8
Pacific.............. 4.8 23.8
Washington....... 4.5 22.0
Oregon........... 3.4 19.6
California......... 4.9 24.6
Alaska............ 2.4 16.7
Hawaii........... 7.4 23.8

(^1) Excludes persons who worked at home.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census. Census of Population and Housing, 1990.

  1. Choose a book or article and count the number of words in each of the first 100
    sentences. Present the data in a stem and leaf plot. Now choose another book or
    article, by a different author, and do the same. Do the two stem and leaf plots look
    similar? Do you think this could be a viable method for telling whether different
    articles were written by different authors?

  2. The following table gives the number of commercial airline accidents and fatalities
    in the United States in the years from 1980 to 1995.

(a) Represent the number of yearly airline accidents in a frequency table.
(b) Give a frequency polygon graph of the number of yearly airline accidents.
(c) Give a cumulative relative frequency plot of the number of yearly airline
(d) Find the sample mean of the number of yearly airline accidents.
(e)Find the sample median of the number of yearly airline accidents.
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