Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

Index 619


Effect of column, 464
Effect of row, 464
Empirical rule, 32–33
Entropy, 109–111
Error sum of squares, 459, 465
Estimate, 230
Estimated regression line, 354
Estimator, 230
algebraic operations, 58–59
axioms of probability, 59–61
complement, 57
definition, 56
independent events, 76–80
intersection of events, 57
mutually exclusive events, 57
union of events, 57
Expectation,seeExpected value
Expected value
calculation, 107–109
definition, 107
expectation of a function of a random variable,
nomenclature, 115
properties, 111–113
sums of random variables, 115–118
Exponentially weighted moving-average control
charts, 565–570
Exponential random variable
confidence interval for mean of distribution,
definition, 175–176
memoryless property, 176–178
moment generating function, 176
Poisson process, 179–181
properties, 176–179


Failure rate, 239, 581
functions, 581–584
Finite population sampling, 217–221
First moment, 115
Fisher, R. A., 6
Fisher-Irwin test, 328–329

F-random variable
distribution, 191–192
probabilities for, 615
Frequency interpretation of probability, 55
Frequency polygon, 10
Frequency table, 10

Galton, F., 6, 366
Gamma distribution
definition, 182
moment generating function of gamma
random variable, 183
properties of gamma random variables,
relation between chi-square and
gamma random variables,
Gamma function, 183
Gauss, K. F., 5
Generalized basic principle of counting, 63
Goodness of fit tests, 483
critical region determination by simulation,
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, 504–508
specified parameters, 484–489
tests of independence in contingency tables,
with fixed marginal totals, 499–504
unspecified parameters, 493–495
Gosset, W. S., 6
Grand mean, 456, 463
bar graph, 10, 16
frequency polygon, 10
line graph, 10
relative frequency graph, 10, 12
Graunt, J., 4–5

Halley, E., 5
Hazard rate,seeFailure rate
Herbst, A., 329
Hill, A. B., 17
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