Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

58 Chapter 3:Elements of Probability

3.3Venn Diagrams and the Algebra of Events

A graphical representation of events that is very useful for illustrating logical relations
among them is theVenn diagram. The sample spaceSis represented as consisting of all
the points in a large rectangle, and the eventsE,F,G,..., are represented as consisting of
all the points in given circles within the rectangle. Events of interest can then beindicated
by shading appropriate regions of the diagram. For instance, in the three Venn diagrams
shown in Figure 3.1, the shaded areas represent respectively the eventsE∪F,EF, andEc.
The Venn diagram of Figure 3.2 indicates thatE⊂F.
The operations of forming unions, intersections, and complements of events obey
certain rules not dissimilar to the rules of algebra. We list a few of these.

Commutative law E∪F=F∪EEF=FE
Associative law (E∪F)∪G=E∪(F∪G)(EF)G=E(FG)
Distributive law (E∪F)G=EG∪FG EF∪G=(E∪G)(F∪G)

These relations are verified by showing that any outcome that is contained in the event on
the left side of the equality is also contained in the event on the right side and vice versa.
One way of showing this is by means of Venn diagrams. For instance, the distributive law
may be verified by the sequence of diagrams shown in Figure 3.3.



(a) Shaded region: E F



(b) Shaded region: EF


(c) Shaded region: Ec

FIGURE 3.1 Venn diagrams.





FIGURE 3.2 Venn diagram.

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