Music Composition DUMmIES

(Ben Green) #1

  1. Write an ending for the preceding two exercises. For example, I sent a
    memo to my boss saying, ‘see you in Cancun’. Put this idea to music.

  2. Write a short melodic phrase with no lyrics of about four measures.
    Leave the ending hanging. In other words, don’t resolve it back to the
    I chord.

  3. Write your phrase from exercise 4 again, but this time resolve the
    ending with a cadence.
    If you want, you can change a few notes or the direction of melodic
    movement a little, but be sure it is basically the same phrase as
    Exercise 5.

  4. Try to write a complementary or contrasting musical phrase as a
    departure from Exercise 6.
    For example, maybe move your underlying chord up a fourth.

  5. Find a way to restate your original phrase as an ending, resolving the
    piece back to the I chord at the end.

  6. Analyze the form of three of your favorite pieces of music, writing the
    part letters (A, B, C, and so on) on a blank piece of paper as you listen.

Chapter 12: Beginnings, Middles, and Endings 143

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