Music Composition DUMmIES

(Ben Green) #1
member of the viola de gamba family of instruments. Where members of the
violin family have their strings tuned a fifth apart from one another, each
string of the double bass is tuned to a fourth apart from the next.

The shape of the instrument itself is different than the violin/viola/cello — its
“shoulders” are pinched in, rather than rounded out, and its body is longer
and narrower overall than the other three instruments. As with the bass guitar
in rock music, the double bass is the fulcrum of the orchestra, and the basic
purpose of the contrabass is to hold down the bottom end of the composition.

The range of the double bass is E2 to G5 (Figure 14-13).

Oboe .....................................................................................................

The double reed oboe family is considered to be the oldest family of wood-
wind instruments. Double reed instruments that looked a lot like the modern
oboe were in use in Greece nearly 3,000 years ago, brought over by Egyptians
who had used double reed instruments as much as a thousand years earlier
than that. The direct ancestor of the oboe is credited as the shawm, which
was probably introduced into Europe during the Crusades when the Saracen
armies invaded and used this instrument in war as well as for dancing. The
bore of the shawm is conical and wide, as is the double reed. The body is
constructed from a single piece of wood with finger holes.

The oboe is considered a very special instrument by many composers, who
relish its deep, rich, distinctive musical flavor and the way it mixes in with
the rest of the woodwinds of the orchestra. The entire orchestra tunes to the
A of the oboe, possibly because there isn’t any practical way to tune an oboe.

Modern oboes are still made from African blackwood (grenadilla) and are
made in three parts. Oboes are still handmade by expert craftsmen who are
very secretive about the dimensions and the size of the apertures used in the
construction. The double reed is made especially for oboes from cane which
is grown on the east coast of Spain or the south of France and dried and aged
for several years before being shipped to your local music store. There are, of
course, synthetic reeds made for oboes today that most likely work just as
well and are much cheaper, but many perfectionists still swear by the hand-
made ones from Europe.


double bass
sounds an octave lower than written

E string


A string


D string


G string


Figure 14-13: w
Range for
the double

Chapter 14: Composing for the Standard Orchestra 177

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