Composing with Guitar Tablature ..............................................................
A distinct type of lead sheet, designed specifically for guitar and bass, is called
tablature, or just tab. Instead of using standard musical notation symbols, tab
uses ordinary ASCII numbers and letters, making it ideal for reproducing
music for the Internet and online newsgroups where anybody with any
computer can link up, copy a tab file, and read it.
Tablature notation has existed for more than 800 years, with the first known
examples appearing in Asia. Up until the 1600s, the majority of musicians
used tablature to write music for just about every instrument you can think
of, from stringed instruments and horns to early keyboard instruments.
However, tablature had some serious limitations, a major one being that each
piece of it was so instrument-specific that there was no possible way for a
lute player to reproduce a piece of music on a harpsichord, or any other
instrument, by reading his lute tablature. The system began to fall out of
common use when the five-lined staff and modern music notation was stan-
dardized in the 16th century.
Basically, tab sheets tell you what notes to play. However, there is no way to
tell a musician reading tab exactly how long or short a note needs to be —
the way quarter notes and half notes and so on do — so it may be necessary
for musicians to hear how a piece is to be played before they can success-
fully read any tab you’ve written. There are some cases where note flags are
written above tab characters, but this is not a standard practice and is mostly
confined to tablature written for more archaic instruments like the lute and
the contrabass.
Tab is very easy to read, though, and many beginning musicians, or musicians
without any real music theory background, prefer to have their music written
for them this way. The basic idea of tab for guitar is that you start out by
drawing six parallel horizontal lines (four for bass), which correspond to the
strings of the instrument. The top line is the highest-pitched string, and the
bottom line is the lowest-pitched. An example is shown in Figure 19-2.
Figure 19-2:
A blank
for guitar
the guitar’s
Chapter 19: Composing for Other Musicians 243