to be paid for projects from each record label and music publisher mentioned.
There’s also lots of information on composing and songwriting contests, as
well as information on networking groups and unions that are beneficial for
composers and musicians.
Plus the book has a huge, easy-to-understand section on the business side of
being a composer or songwriter, including how to read contracts or even
write your own basic contract, what sorts of fees are acceptable when sign-
ing with a manager or agent, and advice on copyrighting your material. There
are also about a dozen interviews in each edition with professional composers
and songwriters on how they found success in their given field.
The Shaping of Musical Elements, Vol. II...................................................
by Armand Russell and Allen Trubitt, Schirmer Books/Macmillan, Inc.
If you’ve taken a beginning theory class in college, you may have read or heard
of this series. Where the first volume introduced many of the basic principals
of music theory, form, and analysis, Vol. IIconcerns itself with the historical
development of music since the 17th century. Baroque, Classical, and Romantic
era music is analyzed and dissected to its minutest parts, with good and
detailed explanations of what each composer was either trying to do with his
music or what his music inspired the next generation of composers to do.
The book progresses into the 20th century, with analytical stops at every
point in musical history.
It’s a really ambitious (and pricey) book — we feel particularly sorry for any
student expected to cover all this heady material in one year at music school,
even with the benefit of a professor close at hand. You could spend years
familiarizing yourself with the concepts and techniques discussed in this
book and have a lot of fun doing it, too.
The Norton Scores, Vols. 1 and 2, 10th Edition ........................................
edited by Kristine Forney, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
These books are an absolute must for anyone interested in seriously dissect-
ing classical music. Vol. 1contains full orchestral scores from the early secu-
lar period to Renaissance, Baroque, and Classic periods of music, including
works of Beethoven, Bach, Scarlatti, Haydn, and more than a dozen other
composers. Vol. 2features scores from the 19th century on and includes
scores from Schoenberg, Bartók, Copland, and others.
274 Part V: The Part of Tens