Music Composition DUMmIES

(Ben Green) #1
The best way to use these books is to own or check out a recording of the
score being studied so that you can follow along with the written material.
For the novice score reader, this is an exciting new way to study music; for
the more advanced score reader, these books provide the opportunity to
really study a composer’s technique in a whole new way. Both books are writ-
ten for the expert and the novice alike, with significant sections of the scores
highlighted to make following the piece easier without dumbing down any of
the material.

Another great thing about these books is that you have all this truly amazing
sheet music at your fingertips. When you’re feeling particularly uninspired to
write your own music, sit down and analyze and play a section of Mozart’s
Don Giovannior Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto— it might be just the thing
you need to get inspired to write something entirely new!

How to Grow as a Musician.........................................................................

by Sheila E. Anderson, Allworth Press

This is a really fun and informative book to read, one that is aimed specifi-
cally at the touring and recording musician. There is a lot of information here
about booking a tour, mentally preparing yourself for live performances in
both familiar and unfamiliar settings, marketing yourself, and even figuring
out how much to charge for different types of performances. Contracts and
royalties are discussed in great detail, as are all the hidden fees that can pop
up even after a contract is signed.

Anderson’s background as a jazz radio journalist makes this a great book to
just sit down and read even if you’re not planning on going on tour or even
into the studio; the book contains tons of great stories about the ups and
downs of being a professional musician, including anecdotes from jazz greats
like Ruth Brown and Michael Wolff. It also contains advice provided by attor-
neys working within the music business.

Analysis of Tonal Music: A Schenkerian Approach .................................

by Alan Cadwallader and David Gagné, Oxford University Press

Schenkerian analysis is a method of musical analysis based on the theories of
Heinrich Schenker, a music theorist of the early 20th century. In Schenkerian
analysis, the basic goal is to reveal the tonal structure of a piece of music by
reducing the music using a specialized, symbolic form of musical notation

Chapter 22: Ten Recommended Books for Composers ............................................

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