Music Composition DUMmIES

(Ben Green) #1

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Tools of the Trade .........................................................................................

In This Chapter
Writing music by hand
Composing on an instrument
Using software to help you write music
Training your ears
Understanding the importance of music theory
Finding the space, time, and ideas to compose


ust as electricians, plumbers, and mechanics use toolboxes to organize
their tools, composers also bring toolboxes with them to work. The differ-
ence is, of course, that the aforementioned tradespeople’s toolboxes can be
seen, felt, and tripped over in the dark, whereas the composer’s toolbox is
contained mostly within his or her mind.

But they are still tools, and you need to use and develop them if you are
going to get very far composing music. If you could open up a typical com-
poser’s toolbox and take a peek inside, you would find the tools covered in
this chapter within.

The Ability to Compose with Pencil and Paper .........................................

Believe it or not, even in this computerized world there are still many situa-
tions where a sheet of paper and a pencil are the best tools for the music
composer. Many important modern composers, especially those born before
1940, won’t work with anything butpaper and pencil. So, never think you are
too advanced for these humble tools.

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