A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

(^106) A Wiccan Bible
Name Life State Lunar Cycle State
Allat Maiden New Moon Changing
Al-Uzza Mother Full Moon Transitional
Menat Crone Dark Moon Unchanging
Haitian Voodoo Triple Goddess—Female—Africa/Caribbean
Name Life State Condition Element
Erzulie Freda Dahomey Maiden Changing Fire
Gran Erzulie Mother Transitional Earth
La Sirene Crone Unchanging Water
The Three Marys—Female—Middle East/Mediterranean
The Christian Trinity of the Three Marys is often overlooked. But before there was
Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost there were the Three Marys and their reverence by
many of the early Christians.
Goddess Life State Condition Element
Virgin Mary Maiden Changing Fire
Mary Magdalene* Mother Transitional Earth
Mary Cleopas Crone Unchanging Water

  • Note: Mary Magdalene is sometimes cited as one of the Virgin Mary’s
    sisters. Additionally, that sister is sometimes cited as wife to Jesus.
    Wicca and the Worship of Idols
    I am an idol worshiper. I think that if everyone were to convert to worshipping
    idols this very instant, the world would be a much better place. Now before you think
    that I want everyone to get down on their hands and knees and worship some statue I
    carved out of wood, let me tell you about the words idol and worship. The very first
    definition for the word idol in my dictionary (1) includes ‘An image used as an object of
    worship.’ The definition found there for worship as a verb is:

  1. To honor and love as a deity.

  2. To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion.

So then when I say that I am an idol worshiper, I am saying that I honor and love an
image of deity. Were we not created in the image of our Lord and Lady? Now what
would the world be like if all of humanity felt the same way? What would the world be

l WB Chap 05.p65 106 7/11/2003, 5:50 PM

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