A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

(^112) A Wiccan Bible
but that is the mystery part of our religion, the part that only a handful of people seem
to have understood thus far.
That mystery is very similar, albeit greatly expanded, to the teachings of another
religion that also go mostly ignored. Although I cannot honestly say that I have ob-
served it in the actions of many folk who call themselves Christian, I believe it was one
of the teachings of Jesus that what ever a Christian does to the least of humanity, one
does to him. In Wicca, that principle is a bit expanded. Rather than including just the
third order of life, the teaching includes the first and second orders of life. The mystery
that is arrived at by understanding the connection between humanity and plants is the
view that whatever one does to the least of plants, one does to our Lord and Lady.
While it is necessary for the perpetuation of life for one to cause death, it is most
certainly not necessary to do so arbitrarily or without due cause.
Corn and grain, corn and grain
All that falls shall rise again
This is why even without having put it into words, Wiccans tend to either have a
green thumb or (in my case) lust after a green thumb. We might not all be able to live
off the land as did the ancients, but that does not mean we must forgo the connection
that our soul insist we forge with the green world. Wiccans instinctively tend to wel-
come the green world into their home. They plant gardens where they can and share
the produce from those gardens with their kith and kin. Even when full-blown gardens
are out of the question, it is not uncommon to see a small herb garden in the window of
a Wiccan kitchen. We do these things because they feel like the right thing to do, they
feel good. But in so doing, we further our connection to the green world in such a way
that when faced with the cold statistics of what is happening to that green world, we are
motivated to action.
Note: This condensed version of Liber ab Planta has been shortened for space
considerations. I hope to present the removed material separately such that this book
can fulfill its intent as study material for the first degree.
Chapter Dedication
This chapter is dedicated to every editor I ever upset.
Except for that first one. That one really deserved it.
m WB Chap 06.p65 112 7/11/2003, 5:51 PM

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