A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

Liber ab Sol (Book of Sun)^129

Liber ab Sol

(Book of Sun)

A Discussion of the Sabbats


ere you will not find specific instructions for conducting rituals for each
of the Sabbats, the eight solar Holidays. You will find no drawings to tell
you where to put your feet or sequence of events. This is because there
is no set place for you to put your feet or sequence of events that you
must follow. Surely if you wish to incorporate a waltz or tango into the
celebration of these rites, you will likely seek a book or instruction for
doing so. Therein you will find such instruction, but that is not the order in which I
address these celebrations. I am not a dance instructor.
Instead, here you will find the heart of what I find important about each of the
Wiccan Holidays, the heart behind the rituals. Typically, they are the activities and rites
that are conducted between the opening and closing of Wiccan ritual as discussed ear-
lier. However, there need not be the formal opening or closing of a rite for that rite to
be sacred. Certainly it is more important that the rite be experienced than the formali-
ties be conducted. While it is ideal that both formality and experience occur, the world
in which we live does not always afford this option. Wicca should never drive apart kith
and kin because someone is uncomfortable with formalities, so if it is not appropriate
that a formal Circle be cast then so be it, for the celebration is much more important.


p WB Chap 08.p65 129 7/11/2003, 5:52 PM

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