A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

(^146) A Wiccan Bible
Spring Equinox
Winter is at the death stage and begins the cycle of rebirth. Summer is at the birth
stage and ends the cycle of rebirth.
Also known as: Alban Eilir, Bacchanalia, Bealtaine, Beltane, Children’s Bealtaine, Eas-
ter, Eostre’s Day, Lady Day, Ostara, Waxing Equinox
Date: Approximately March 21st or 22nd, this Holiday is actually found in the Spring
on the day when the length of night and day is equal.
Goddess association: Aurora, Black Annis, Eos, Eostre, Ostara
Gemstone associations: Aquamarine, Moonstone, Rose Quartz
Animal associations: Chicken, Duck, Bee
Plant associations: Daffodil, Dragon’s Blood, Benzoin, Ginger, Frankincense, Gorse,
Iris, Jasmine, Narcissus, Nutmeg, Olive, Orange, Peony, Rose, Sandalwood, Violet,
Woodruff, and all flowers that have already started to bloom.
Color associations: Blue, Pink, Red, *Yellow or White & Black (together equally)

  • Yellow or White to represent the day with equal amounts of Black to represent the
    night. Each is appropriate only with an equal amount of the other.
    Spring Equinox Incense
    4 parts Frankincense
    2 parts Benzoin
    1 parts Dragons blood
    1 part Rose petals
    1 part Orange peel
    Spring Equinox Oil
    8 drops Frankincense
    6 drops Nutmeg
    6 drops Rose or 3 drops Orange and 3 drops Ginger
    Solitary/General—Spring Equinox is a fertility celebration of the second order of
    life. From culture to culture, Bealtaine moves either direction on the wheel of the year
    by 45 degrees. Most often, when it was not celebrated between Spring Equinox and
    Summer Solstice, it was celebrated here on Spring Equinox. As such, the associations
    between Bealtaine and Spring Equinox sometimes cross. Generally speaking, both
    Spring Equinox and Bealtaine celebrate fertility in all orders. However, Bealtaine
    stresses human fertility and Spring Equinox celebrates the fertility of other animals
    (let’s say rabbits and egg laying critters). Surprise, surprise...one of the folk names for
    Spring Equinox is Easter.
    Around this time of the year, customers often walk into my shop chuckling about
    the fertility images they saw on Christian gravesites. I have to chuckle a bit myself, but
    not with them. No, I find myself chuckling at those customers. Yes, the eggs and bunny
    rabbit imagery is associated with fertility and with birth, but this Holiday does not just
    p WB Chap 08.p65 146 7/11/2003, 5:52 PM

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