A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

Liber ab Sol (Book of Sun)^147

mark the rebirth of Summer and of our Lady. It also marks the death of Winter and the
cycle of rebirth beginning for our Lord. Here, we see again the connection between life
and death, neither existing without the other. It seems only natural that we would deco-
rate those gravesites with the symbols of life.
Sometimes called Children’s Bealtaine (or Beltane), this Holiday is not only a cel-
ebration of animal fertility, it is a celebration of the common result of human fertility:
children. Donations to charities that serve children are most appropriate at this time as
are presents given to children of all relations. Chocolate and other candy shaped in the
symbols of the season are most appropriate. For older children, nuts and eggs make
great gifts. Remember that children are not only a blessing to the mother and father.
They are a blessing to the Coven/Household. Share them with your kith and kin. Your
kids will love it, as it will provide them with multiple streams of candy.

Couples—Because we live in a predominantly Christian culture, there is a great
chance the extended family will be Christian. As such, there may well be a rift between
the couple and extended family. In some cases, one family might be accepting of the
couple’s Wiccan ways, and the other might not be to keen on the idea. This is an excel-
lent opportunity to bridge that gap. Couples focussing on making Equinox (Easter)
eggs and baskets in their own private rites might go a long way towards furthering
communication by sharing those creations with the extended family.

Coven/Household—Culturally speaking, we see public Easter egg hunts and games
designed to promote community. Why not? After all, not only are those eggs a symbol
of the animal fertility associated with this Holiday, but the very practice of hunting
those eggs comes from the ancient practice of hunting for eggs and nuts to be given as
gifts of fertility. Today, some of the largest of these community egg hunts are often
held at local zoos. What better way of sharing the true Pagan meaning of this celebra-
tion with our children?
Ah, but what about those of us without children? Well now, we are all still children
somewhere inside.


Summer is at the youth/Maiden stage. Winter is entering the first trimester.

Also known as: Beltane, Cyntefyn, May Day, May Eve, Lover’s Beltane, Lover’s
Bealtaine, Roodmass, Cetsamhain, Walpurgis.
Date: Approximately April 30th or May 1st, this Holiday is actually found on the day
that rests in the middle of Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.
God associations: Bile, Cernunnos, Herne, Pan.
Goddess associations: Green Lady.
Gemstone associations: Bloodstone, Sapphire.
Plant associations: Frankincense, Hawthorne, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Sandalwood, St.
John’s Wort, Rose, Rosemary, Woodruff, and all flowers in bloom.
Color associations: Green, Yellow, Red.

p WB Chap 08.p65 147 7/11/2003, 5:52 PM

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