A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

Liber ab Sol (Book of Sun)^149

be bold, visit your local adult bookstore and bring home a few games designed for you
and your partner. If you want something a bit more modest, find a public park and play
a game of tag. Set a time limit and then stand facing each other, one partner the chased
and the other the pursuer. The chased is given a head start and the game begins. If the
pursuer can catch the chased within the designated amount of time, the pursuer wins.
If not, the chased wins.
Ah, but what does a person win? Be inventive with love sport. Perhaps, after mov-
ing to a more private and preferably legal location, the looser lays completely motion-
less as his or her lover provides pleasure. It has been my observation that in symbiotic
relationships with any degree of shared empathy, this prize causes both partners to be
winners. If the lover’s sport leading to this suggestion of reward does not suite your
taste, consider making sport of the reward I suggested.
Ask your partner to lie completely still and completely sky clad on your bed. Using
light touch and kiss, see if you can’t get your partner to move. If s/he does move of his/
her own accord, switch so you are the one attempting to remain motionless. This game
has no point system or designated method of conclusion. You will know it is over when
you both toss out the rules.
Another simple love sport is for two lovers to stand clad only by the sky at about
conversational distance from each other. Looking directly into each other’s eyes, ca-
ress each other’s bodies without actually touching each other. Imagine there is an infi-
nitely thin force field around each other and try to skirt the boundaries of that force
field while not entering it. If you touch skin, your partner receives a point. After a
predetermined amount of time, maybe the time it takes for a stick of patchouli incense
to burn from top to bottom, the one with the most points wins and receives whatever
prize was predetermined. Alternatively, you can do away with the idea of a prize or
point system and simply allow this game to end as did the one I listed prior.

Coven/Household—Of course, Bealtaine is not just about having sex. It is the con-
nections, romantic in nature, which we have made, as well as the connections others
have made. If your brother or sister has children but you do not, consider offering to
baby-sit for this Holiday such that s/he can enjoy love sport with his or her spouse.
Make it clear in your offering that you want them to have a romantic evening and then
celebrate a second Children’s Bealtaine with their children. If you have children of
your own, take turns with another responsible couple.

Summer Solstice

Summer is at her mature/Mother stage. Winter is entering the second trimester.

Also known as: Alban Hefin, *Beltane, Litha, *Midsummer, Vestalia, Whitsuntide.
Date: Approximately June 21st or 22nd, this Holiday is actually found on the longest
day of the year.
God associations: Jahnis, Mannan, Puck.
Goddess associations: Vesta, Xilonen.

p WB Chap 08.p65 149 7/11/2003, 5:52 PM

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