A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

(^16) A Wiccan Bible
Section One: The Beauty of the World
Dedicated to our Lady and Lord as Maiden and Master
Here we discuss matters of birth, Wiccaning, and Self-Dedication. You will find
not only ritual ideas, but why those ritual ideas exist. Here, too, are the basic ideas
behind the Wiccan religion as applied to a worldview. The book of lore associated with
this section is the Book of Plants.
Section Two: The Paragon of Animals
Dedicated to our Lady and Lord as Mother and Father
Here we discuss coven and household Initiation and mating customs. Building on
the ritual ideas presented in Chapter 1, we see the development of the Wiccan soul.
The book of lore associated with this section is the Book of Animals.
Section Three: In Apprehension How Like a God
Dedicated to our Lady and Lord as Crone and Sage
Here we see a further exploration of the Wiccan soul, building on that soul with mind,
which yields Spirit. The book of lore associated with this section is Book of Humanity.
The Degree System
One might see a loose degree system begin to emerge in these three sections. If
one were to see such a thing, one would be about half right. Although I am not a fan of
the degree system, it is a convenient way of marking knowledge and the evolution of
the soul. However, as stated earlier, I look on this book as the first half of a larger work.
As you read this book, you will begin to understand why I have decided to separate
these books and present them as I have.
Know first that the book Liber ab Planta (first degree study material) and Liber ab
Familia (second degree study material) have been greatly condensed due to editorial
space considerations. I hope at some time in the future to publish the missing material.
So, please do not believe that in reading Section One, you are a first degree Wiccan.
Not only is section one only half of the story that a first degree might possess, the truth
is that each and every one of us is whole. If your soul is Wiccan, than you are already a
first degree, a second degree, and a third degree. All I am doing here is reminding you
of that fact. You see, I do not believe being Wiccan is a matter of birth or hereditary
lineage, nor do I believe being Wiccan is a matter of being made or of coven initiation.
Instead, I believe that when the world is in need, the souls who satisfy that need are
reborn, and we have been. However, we must recognize that need and educate our
minds to address it.
e WB Intro.p65 16 7/11/2003, 5:45 PM

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