(^174) A Wiccan Bible
Approximated Gregorian dates are provided; however, these dates would only be
valid if the first New moon after the Summer Solstice were to fall on the Gregorian
date of June 22nd and then if each following new moon fell alternating 28 and 29 days
after each other. Of course the lunar cycle does not alternate neatly to fit into the solar
year, so the given dates are not to be considered accurate. They are provided only such
that the reader can receive a sense of where in the year these celebrations fall.
It is also important to note that as of about the 6th century before common era, the
Greek year began on the first new moon after the Summer Solstice. Then each month
that followed keyed its start on the next new moon. Because 12 lunar cycles do not fit
neatly into a solar year, the month of Poseideon was repeated. To present this in better
relation to the modern concept of the year, instead of presenting it here beginning with
the traditional first month Hekatombaion (which begins shortly after Summer Solstice),
I have started with Gamelion, which is closest to being the modern January.
Greek Holidays
Gamelion—January—Approximation December 27—January 25
Gamelion actually begins on the seventh new moon after Summer Solstice
This is the preferred month of handfasting in Greek traditions
Gamelion 1 Noumenia—Celebration of the new moon.
Gamelion 2 Sacred to Agathos Daimon.
Gamelion 3 Sacred to the Three Graces and Athena.
Gamelion 4 Sacred to Aphrodite, Hermes, Hercules, Eros.
Gamelion 6 Sacred to Artemis.
Gamelion 7 Sacred to Apollo.
Gamelion 8 Sacred to Poseidon. Sacrifices offered to Apollo and the Nymphs.
Gamelion 9 Sacrifices offered to Athena.
Gamelion 14 Lenaia—Festival to honor Dionysus on the day of the Full Moon.
Gamelion 27 Sacrifices offered to Poseidon and Demeter.
Gamelia/Theogamia—Festival to honor Zeus and Hera as a loving
couple. Although there are numerous cites to this couple having wild
arguments (especially over infidelity), their marriage was honored at this
Gamelion 28 Sacred to all Chthonian (Underworld) deities
Gamelion 29 Sacred to all Chthonian deities.
Gamelion 30 Dark Moon—Sacred to Hecate and all Chthonian deities.
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