A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

Liber ab Solemnitas (The Book of Holidays)^175

Anthesterion—February—Approximation January 26—February 23

Anthesterion actually begins on the eighth new moon after Summer Solstice.

Anthesterion 1 Noumenia—Celebration of the new moon.
Anthesterion 2 Sacred to Agathos Daimon. Sacrifices made to Dionysus.
Anthesterion 3 Sacred to the Three Graces and Athena.
Anthesterion 4 Sacred to Aphrodite, Hermes, Hercules, Eros.
Anthesterion 5 Soteria—Festival honoring Zeus.
Anthesterion 6 Sacred to Artemis.
Anthesterion 7 Sacred to Apollo.
Anthesterion 8 Sacred to Poseidon.
Anthesterion 11–13 Anethesteria—Three-day festival Honoring Dionysus and Hermes.
Reflects greatly on the three stages of life, which Wiccans know in the
feminine as Maiden, Mother, and Crone and in the masculine as
Master, Father, and Sage.
Day one is called Pithoigia, which means ‘from the jar’ or ‘jar opening.’
On this day, the bottles of new wine are opened and shared, however
intoxication is generally frowned upon. This day is more of tasting of the
wine to decide which will be best for the following day. Crowns of flow-
ers are given to the children who were born during the previous year,
welcoming their soul into the community. Day two is called Khoes, which
means ‘from the cup.’ On this day the wine selected the day previous is
shared in great revelry and accompanied with feasting, games, and ritu-
als honoring marriages. Day three is called Khytroi, which means ‘from
the cauldron’ or ‘from the kettles.’ On this day, cauldrons were filled
with flowers and kettles were used to cook great vegetable feasts for the
dead. With the assistance of Hermes, the dead are called to visit the
Anthesterion 14 Full Moon—Also gatherings in preparation of the Eleusinian Mysteries.
Anthesterion 23 Diasia—Festival honoring Zeus, which is held away from the city in some
relatively secluded area. Great feasting took place with the sacrifice of
breads to the wild (scattered into the woods). In the evening, bonfires,
dancing, and chants to call on Zeus to help welcome and return Spring.
Anthesterion 27 Sacred to all Chthonian deities.
Anthesterion 28 Sacred to all Chthonian deities.
Anthesterion 29 Dark Moon—Sacred to Hecate and all Chthonian deities.

r WB Chap 10.p65 175 7/11/2003, 5:54 PM

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