A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

Liber ab Solemnitas (The Book of Holidays)^179

Arrephoria—An alternative day often cited. See Skirophorion 22 for
Skirophorion 4 Sacred to Aphrodite, Hermes, Hercules, Eros.
Skirophorion 6 Sacred to Artemis.
Skirophorion 7 Sacred to Apollo.
Skirophorion 8 Sacred to Poseidon.
Skirophorion 12 Skirophoria—Festival in honor of Athena, Demeter, Persephone, and
Poseidon. Although there is no hard rule, speaking in general historic
terms Skirophoria was celebrated only by women. Today its celebration
is participated in by both men and women. Great offerings are made of
cakes and baked goods shaped like snakes and the male phallus. Those
offerings are placed in hidden places where animals can not eat them.
They are later retrieved at Thesmophoria for use as fertilizer.
Skirophorion 14 Full Moon.
Skirophorion 22 Arrephoria—Festival honoring Athena. In day of old, four virgin girls
(ages 7 to 11) were elected on this day and then placed into the a cave on
Pyanepsion (Gregorian approximation October 17th). And the four
virgin’s placed in the cave the previous Pyanepsion also released from
the cave. Modern Wiccans do not hide their children in a cave for four
months. Or do we? Certainly in Northern climates the majority of the
time between October 17th (their entrance to the cave) and June 14th
(their release) we do spend cooped up in our homes due to the cold
weather. Perhaps this holiday can be honored by electing four young
girls from our community each year who will promise to spend their
Winter planning and preparing for the Arrephoria where they lead a
celebration of Winter’s release of Summer.
Arrephoria is sometimes cited on the third day of Skirophorion instead
of the 22nd.
Skirophorion 27 Sacred to all Chthonian deities.
Skirophorion 28 Sacred to all Chthonian deities.
Skirophorion 29 Dark Moon—Sacred to Hecate and all Chthonian deities.

Hekatombaion—July—June 22—July 21

Hekatombaion actually begins on the first new moon after Summer Solstice
Sacred to Apollo

Hekatombaion 1 Noumenia—Celebration of the new moon.
Eiseteria—Festival which honors Athena and Zeus.
Hekatombaion 2 Sacred to Agathos Daimon.
Hekatombaion 3 Sacred to the Three Graces and Athena.

r WB Chap 10.p65 179 7/11/2003, 5:54 PM

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