A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

(^180) A Wiccan Bible
Hekatombaion 4 Aphrodisia—Bathing festival of Aphrodite and her daughter Peitho.
Celebrated with the ritualistic bathing of statuary as well as feasting,
dancing, and athletic games. This was also a celebration of love, romance,
and sex. The fourth day of Hekatombaion is also sacred to Hermes,
Hercules, and Eros.
Hekatombaion 6 Sacred to Artemis.
Hekatombaion 7 Sacred to Apollo.
Hekatombaion 8 Sacred to Poseidon.
Hekatombaion 12 Sacrifices are made to Artemis.
Kronia—Harvest celebration in honor of Cronos.
Hekatombaion 14 Full Moon celebration.
Hekatombaion 15–16 Synoikia—Festival to celebrate community in memory of the merging
of villages by Thesus, to form the city of Athens.
Hekatombaion 27 Sacred to all Chthonian deities.
Ponnykhis—All night festival fire and dancing. Associated with youth,
boys and girls would dance and compete in torch lit foot races. Honors
Adonis. Also sacred to the Chthonian deities.
Hekatombaion 29 Sacred to all Chthonian deities.
Lesser Panathenaia—Celebration of Athena’s birthday. The Panathenaia
was celebrated annually as a one day holiday (Lesser/Minor Panathenaia).
Sacrifices were made to Athena, Hygeia, and Nike.
Major Panathenaia—Every fourth year, the Panathenaia is expanded
to a 12-day holiday (Greater Panathenaia).
Hekatombaion 30 Dark Moon—Celebration sacred to Hecate and all Chthonian (Underworld)
Metageitnion—August—July 22—August 19
Metageitnion actually begins on the second new moon after Summer Solstice
Metageitnion 1 Noumenia—Celebration of the new moon.
Metageitnion 2 Sacred to Agathos Daimon.
Metageitnion 3 Sacred to the Three Graces and Athena.
Metageitnion 4 Sacred to Aphrodite, Hermes, Hercules, Eros.
Metageitnion 6 Sacred to Artemis.
Metageitnion 7 Metageitnia—Festival honoring Apollo which celebrates community.
Metageitnion 8 Sacred to Poseidon.
Metageitnion 10 Sacred to Hercules.
Heracleia Kynosargous—Festival celebrating the lives of illegitimate
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