A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

Liber ab Solemnitas (The Book of Holidays)^181

Metageitnion 15 Full Moon—Celebration marks the beginning of the Eleusinia.
Metageitnion 15–18 Eleusinia—A day of games and sport within the community. Not
associated with the school of mysteries, but instead shares its name
because this festival started in the city Eleusis (as did the mystery school).
See the Eleusinian Mysteries on the 14th day of Boedromion.
Metageitnion 16 Sacrifices made to Hecate and Artemis.
Metageitnion 20 Sacrifices made to Hera.
Metageitnion 25 Sacrifices made to Zeus.
Metageitnion 27 Sacred to all Chthonian (Underworld) Deities.
Metageitnion 28 Sacred to all Chthonian (Underworld) Deities.
Metageitnion 29 Dark Moon—Sacred to Hecate and all Chthonian (Underworld) Deities.

Boedromion—September—August 20—September 18

Boedromion actually begins on the third new moon after Summer Solstice

Boedromion 1 Noumenia—Celebration of the new moon.
Boedromion 2 Sacred to Agathos Daimon.
Niketeria—Festival to honor Nike.
Boedromion 3 Sacred to the Three Graces and Athena.
Boedromion 4 Sacred to Aphrodite, Hermes, Hercules, Eros.
Boedromion 5 Genesia—Festival honoring dead ancestors at which offerings are made
to Agathos Daimon. Offerings of flowers, rice pudding, honey, and
butter are made to Agathos Daimon. Offerings of ancestral favorite
dishes are made to the dead. Gifts are exchanged between the living.
Boedromion 6 Artemis Agrotera/Kharisteria—Festival honoring Artemis in her capacity
as huntress. Competitions of archery are often followed with a feast
including much meat.
Boedromion 7 Boedromia—Festival honoring Apollo in his capacity as protector and
savior from war. On this day we honor police officers, doctors, and
others who protect our community.
Boedromion 8 Sacred to Poseidon.
Boedromion 12 Democratia—Festival in honor of democracy. Although the United
States of America was built on the very principles put forth by the Greeks
and later improved upon by the Romans, it seems a great many modern
Pagans want to adopt socialism as a national policy. Yes, socialism
existed well on a very small scale just as it does now, in families and
marriages. But on a scale the size of a modern nation, here is clear proof
that democracy trumps socialism in the view of at least one ancient
Pagan culture.

r WB Chap 10.p65 181 7/11/2003, 5:54 PM

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