A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

(^194) A Wiccan Bible
Junius 7–8 Preparation for the Vestalia.
Junius 9 The Vestalia—Honoring Vesta. If you have ever seen those quaint bottles
with pointed or rounded bottoms at a local import specialty shop, you
will find this interesting. In preparation for the Vestalia, the Vestal Vir-
gins retrieved water from a sacred Spring. Because the water was not
allowed to touch the ground, they transported that water in bottles that
had pointed or rounded bottoms such that no one could set them down.
That water was used in the preparation of cakes for the celebration. On
this day, only women who went barefoot to bring simple foods into the
temple as offerings made sacrifices. Men were not allowed in the Temple
of Vesta as it was home to the Vestal Virgins.
Junius 9–15 Cleaning the temple after Vestalia—Honoring Vesta.
Junius 17 Ludi Piscatori (Festival of Fishermen)—Honoring Tiberinus.
Junius 11 The Matralia—Honoring Matuta. Attended only by women who were
still in their first marriage. On this day, household slaves (females) were
sent from the homes and temples, save one who was beaten ritually as
both a warning and clear statement that one should not tempt a hus-
band to the bed of another woman.
Junius 11 Sacred to Fortuna.
Junius 13–15 Lesser Quinquatria—Honoring Minerva and Jupiter. Three days of cel-
ebration with wandering minstrels. Often these minstrels are hired by
shopkeepers as a show of thanks to the shop’s customers and to encour-
age patronage. This festival honors Minerva, as she is the patron of com-
merce, entertainers, and minstrels. The festival ends with a feast in honor
of Jupiter. The Greater Quinquatria is from Martius 19–23.
Junius 19 Sacred to Minerva.
Junius 20 Sacred to Summanus (cakes offered in sacrifice).
Junius 24 Summer Solstice Observation—Sacred to Fortuna. A day of festivals
honoring Fortuna and the craft folk that she smiles upon. Celebrated
with a festival resembling a festive farmers market, when the products
of cottage industry and home gardens are brought to market.
Note that
this date is an approximation.
Junius 25–26 Ludi Taurei Quinquennales. Two days of games, horse racing, and of-
ferings to the gods and goddesses of the Underworld. Although each
year is marked with sport, every fifth year the greater games are cel-
ebrated with fierce competition.
Junius 27 Sacred to Juno and Jupiter.
Junius 29 Sacred to Hercules and the Muses.
r WB Chap 10.p65 194 7/11/2003, 5:54 PM

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