(^198) A Wiccan Bible
November—November—Sacred to the goddess Diana
November 1 Last day of Ludi Victoriae Sullanae (See October 26).
November 4—17 Ludi Plebeii—In honor of Jupiter. One of the most important games of
the year, the Ludi Plebeii were celebrated with not only athletic games
but with games of skill and strategy. On November 13th, at the peak of
the celebration, a grand feast was held.
November 8 Mundus Patet—The Roman Samhain. A day on which the Earth is said
to be open or the veils between worlds are thinnest. As the Roman
months were not the set things that they are in the modern world, the
dates of all events changed. The actual date of this one could easily fall
on the current day of October 31st.
November 13 Sacred to Jupiter, Fortuna, Pietas.
November 13 The Festival of Feronia—On this day was celebrated freedom from ser-
vitude. In a modern context, here we celebrate sobriety if we happen to
be dry addicts, or maybe being debt free if we once had debts. This is
also a day to contemplate the role of slavery in our lives.
November 18 Sacred to Ceres.
November 29 Sacred to Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto.
December—December—Sacred to the goddess Vesta
December 1 Sacred to Neptune and Pietas.
December 3 Sacred to Bona Dea and Ceres.
December 5 Sacred to Faunus.
December 8 Sacred to Gaia and Tiberinus.
December 11 The Agonalia of December—Honors Sol. The name of this holiday finds
its root in the word agonium, meaning ‘sacrificial rites.’ This is one of
four festivals by the same name: December 11th honors Sol, January 9
honors Janus, March 17th honors Mars, and May 21st honors Veiovis.
December 12 Sacred to Consus.
December 13 Sacred to Tellus Mater.
December 15 The Consualia—Honoring Consus. A festival to celebrate Consus, who
protects stores of food. This holiday is celebrated on or about Decem-
ber 15th as grain is being consumed from storage and on or about Au-
gust 21st as grain is being stored for winter.
December 17–23 The Saturnalia—Honoring Saturn and his wife Ops. The holiday on which
many Christian traditions were based, the Saturnalia involved giving
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