A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

(^240) A Wiccan Bible
Pagan Nation
1209 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43201
Web address: http://www.pagannation.com
Spiral Scouts International
48631 River Park Drive
PO Box 409
Index, WA 98256-0409
Web address: http://www.spiralscouts.org
Note: When contacting any of these organizations by mail, it is common courtesy to
include a self addressed stamped envelope. I would also add one, two, or even three
dollars and inform the organization that you have done so to defer the cost of printing
literature and staffing a mailing list. Chances are these organizations either have a chap-
ter in your area or have a program of offering support to folk who would like to form
one, so if it is real life community you are looking for, please let them know when you
inquire of them.
What about the Solitary Practitioner?
The question then becomes: What about solitary practitioners? This question is
moot for two reasons. First, being a solitary practitioner does not mean one is an isola-
tionist. If you are uncomfortable with group or public ritual, then do not attend group
or public ritual. The only thing the phrase solitary practitioner means is that one per-
forms ritual by oneself. It does not mean that one conducts the important part of the
Wiccan religion by oneself because doing so is impossible unless you feel a religion is
something that only takes place in Circle. While this might be true of other religions,
the very nature of Wicca insists that it be included in our everyday life. The second,
perhaps more comical of the two is that if you are a solitary practitioner but do not
want community, why would you complain about the necessity to be involved in a group
to find that community? Simply put, you can sit alone at home by your self night after
night or you can be involved with other people (a group). You cannot do both.
Enter Pagan Nation: Stage Left
We are a Circle
Within a Circle
With no beginning
And never-ending
It is for these and like reasons that I have spent the last few years of my life creating
a structure by which Pagan community can flourish, a Pagan organization that is not an
organization in the traditional sense of the word. Instead of offering specific liturgy or
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