(^252) A Wiccan Bible
Liber ab Mentis
(The Book of Mind)
he reason I placed the Book of Familiars in between the Book of Soul
and the Book of Mind is because that is exactly where we see them,
somewhere between the soul that they possess and the mind that we
use to understand that soul. That is how we decide the difference be-
tween right and wrong, somewhere between what our soul and mind
tells us. That is where we find truth—right where truth is so often found,
right smack in the middle.
This is also the conflict that I spoke of in the last chapter. It is the adversarial sys-
tem by which we judge our own actions and inaction. It is similar in concept to the
taking up of arms, but in the conflict between our nature (soul) and our nurture (mind),
the assumption that emerges from this conflict is truth. Our soul (subconscious/ego)
throws out a primal emotion and our mind (conscious/super ego) either puts it down or
brings it into manifestation. In a court of law, this is the difference between premedita-
tion and a crime of passion. This is a very important part of that which I term Spirit
because without that mind causing intentional manifestation, the soul unchecked will
produce unintentional manifestations.
In a previous book, Wicca for Men, I put forth the idea that there is a clear differ-
ence between animals and humanity. This is why I prefer the athame to the wand for
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