(^278) A Wiccan Bible
Agloolik—Male—Arctic North America
Animal association: Seal
Agloolik is prayed to for good fortune
while hunting in cold weather. He is believed
to live under the ice and lend assistance to
hunting only when needed. Calling on him to
assist in sport hunting provokes a baneful re-
sponse, such as hunting accidents.
Agnayi—Female—Near East
Husband: Agni
Hindu fire goddess. She is prayed to by
women when seeking sudden and irreparable
change, often for revenge, especially of rape
and abuse. Note that the reference to her hus-
band is often disputed. Sometimes her name
is said to be a female aspect (not wife) of Agni.
See Agni.
Agni—Male—Near East
Father: Dyaus
Mother: Prithvi
Wife: Agnayi
Lover: Shiva, Svaha
Animal associations: Cattle (bull), Eagle, Goat,
Horse, Ram
Plant associations: Dragon’s Blood, Red Poppy,
Hibiscus, Nettle (greater), White Poppy
Hindu fire god. His wife is most often listed
as Agnayi, sometimes as Ushas (his sister), and
sometimes his wife is cited as being his lover
Svaha. I believe the name ‘Svaha’ could be a
deliberate attempt to rename Shiva and thus
cover the homosexual exchange between Agni
and Shiva. Although most often considered
heterosexual, a story survives that states Agni
once swallowed Shiva’s semen. But even with
that story, there is not reference to it being a
lustful act. He is also god of lightning, storms
and rain. He is one of humanity’s benefactors
in fertility, bringing rain to crops and the light-
ning that caused all life to propagate (see the
Book of Genesis). One of the eight Hindu
guardians of the principle directions. Agni is
the guardian of the South East. The other
seven are Indra, Yama, Surya, Varuna, Vayu,
Kubera, Soma.
Incense Recipe
2 parts Hibiscus flower
1 part Nettle
1 part Gum Arabic
1 pinch poppy seeds
Enough Agni or Dragon’s Blood perfume oil
to bind
Oil Recipe
9 drops Allspice essential oil
6 drops Frankincense essential oil
3 drops Cinnamon essential oil
1/2 ounce base oil
Agunua—Male—Polynesian Islands
Animal association: Snake (serpent)
Solomon Islands serpent god. Sometimes
seen as a supreme god with the other gods and
goddesses of the islands just aspects or per-
sonalities of Agunua. The first seasonal fruit
of each tree is made sacrifice to him.
Wife: Erzulie (La Sirene)
Haitian Voodoo god of fish, sea plants, and
to a lesser degree of the ocean itself. Sacrifice
is made to him to insure a good harvest of fish
and sea plants. Those offerings are cast into
the ocean with the hopes that they will be re-
turned in the harvest.
Ah—See Aha
Aholibah—Female—Middle East
Husband: Yahweh
Originally a Hebrew All Mother, wife to
Yahweh. After creating all of humanity except
Adam and Eve, she and Yahweh had a falling
out. Humanity took her side in the matter, so
Yahweh went on to create his own group of
humanity in the Garden of Eden, who would
follow him blindly. See Yahweh. She was later
called the ‘voluptuous whore’ and still later the
‘menstruating whore’ by the line of Adam and
Eve and virtually removed from their lore. Now
is that any way to treat a lady?
z WB Chap 17.p65 278 7/11/2003, 6:04 PM