A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

Liber ab Clementia (Book of Humanity)^313

representative of the principle presented in
the Wiccan Rede as will.

Dhatri—Male—Near East
Father: Kashyapa
Mother: Aditi
Dhatri is one of the Adityas. The Hindu
month Kartika (October 23–November 21) is
sacred to Dhatri. See Adityas.

Dianchecht—Male—Central Europe
Son: Cain, Miach
Daughter: Airmid
Irish god of healing and of medicine. He is
often cited as the father of modern medicine.
Patron of doctors, healers, pharmacists, and

Dian—Male—Central Europe
Mother: Carman
‘Violence’—One of the aspects of the Irish
Triple God of Evil. The other two aspects are
Dub and Dother. It is interesting to note the
name similarity to the Roman Diana, who is
said in Aradia: Gospel of Witches to have sent
her daughter Aradia to show the Witches the
ways of magick such that they can violently
overthrow their oppressors. Dian’s mother is
said to be Carman, a Witch herself who taught
her children the ways of Witchcraft that they
might combat the people of the goddess Danu.

(Also known as Tana [Etruscan])
Lover: Lucifer, Endymion
Animal associations: Alligator, Bear, Cat, Dear
(especially stag), Dog, Elephant, Antelope,
Bee, Owl
Plant associations: Acacia, Almond, Apple,
Banyan, Beech, Birch, Damiana, Dittany of
Crete, Fir, Ginseng, Hazelnut, Jasmine, Man-
drake, Mugwort, Mulberry, Oak, Rue, Willow,
Roman moon goddess of Nature, child-
birth, fertility, and hunting. Her sacred month
is October. She has been associated with the
fertility of the Earth, with mountains, and the

deep forest. She was patron of the working and
lower economic class, a goddess of slaves and
wage slaves of past and present. Her following
likely persisted well into the rule of Christian
Europe when it was said she was the Goddess
of Pagans. Her worship may have continued
uninterrupted to the present day. See also
Lucifer, Aradia, and Dian. Dian might be a
male Irish counterpart, although this is wild
speculation on my part.

Incense Recipe
2 part Gum Arabic
1 part Acacia Flowers
1 part Jasmine Flowers
1 pinch Wormwood
1 pinch Mugwort
A few apple seeds
Enough Diana oil or Jasmine absolute to bind

Oil Recipe
10 drops Jasmine absolute
10 drops Birch oil
1/2 ounce base oil (try a 50/50 mixture of Al-
mond and Hazelnut oil)

Plant association: Fig, Oak
Roman oak god who evolved into Janus.

Diiwica—Female—Central Europe
(Also known as Devana, Dziewona)
Animal associations: Horse, Dog
Slavic goddess of the hunt. Associated with
Diana. There could be a root word connection
between her name and the word Wicca/Wica,
especially considering the late 1800s use of the
word Wicca by Leland in reference to the wor-
ship of Diana and other remnants of the Medi-
terranean and European Pagans.

‘Justice’ or ‘Natural law’—Greek goddess
of justice for humanity, but a justice connected
with natural law rather than the law of man.
When Zeus saw that her job of keeping hu-
manity in tune with the laws of Nature was

z WB Chap 17.p65 313 7/11/2003, 6:04 PM

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