(^346) A Wiccan Bible
based on a mistaken translation. The original
Hebrew was written Yhvh, because ancient
Hebrew had no vowels. After generations in
which it was forbidden to speak the name, vow-
els were added. Although no one could know
what the original word sounded like, they cre-
ated the word Yehova, which eventually found
its way into English as Jehovah. See Yahweh.
Jesus—Male—Middle East
(Also known as Christ, Yeshue)
Father: Yahweh
Mother: Virgin Mary
Wife: Mary Magdalene
Animal association: Fish
Plant association: Holly
Holiday: Christmas on December 25th/Easter
(date changes with the year)
An avatar/incarnation of Yahweh who was
born of a willing virgin without the act of sexual
intercourse with Yahweh. In this incarnation,
Yahweh removed the original sin (rape) from
humanity by allowing himself to take earthly
form and then be violated in much the same
way Mother Earth was when under his orders
she was raped to create Adam. See Adam and
Jikoku—Male—Far East
Japanese god subordinate to Taishaku-ten
who guarded the East. In Wiccan ritual, he is
sometimes connected with the East Quarter.
The other three were Komoku, Zocho, and
(Also known as Jok Odudu)
Animal association: Goat (black)
‘Creator’—All Father and Creator to the
Alur (tribe of the Uganda/Zaire area).
Jormungand—Male/Female—Northern Europe
Norse serpent who will kill Odin in the end
time. Jormungand dies too at that conflict.
One of the three children of Angurboda and
Loki in which we see the number three as the
number of not only good fate, but of ill-fate.
The other two are Fenrir and Hel. Note that
sometimes Jormungand is cited as male and
other times as female.
Animal association: Snake
Rainbow goddess of the Aboriginal Austra-
lians. She is patron of children and presides over
their transition and initiation into adulthood.
(Also known as Juno Februa, Regina [Queen])
Father: Saturn
Husband: Jupiter (also brother)
Animal associations: Eagle, Goose, Peacock,
Plant associations: Crocus, Date (fig), Lily,
Lettuce (especially wild), Mint, Pomegranate,
Quince, Vervain
Roman state goddess who is associated
more with national or state matters than with
individual needs. To her are sacred the months
of June and February. She was seen as the
Queen of Rome and thus presided over litiga-
tion between Rome and other nations. She is
patron and protector of women and the rights
of women, but generally not the individual
woman. Here is where it gets tricky. Juno is
also the word used to denote a protective spirit
for an individual woman. The male equivalent
is Genius. These spirits are usually ancestral,
but there is nothing stating that such spirits
are above adoption rites. See Genius for more
(Also known as Dies Pater [‘Shinning Father’],
Ivppiter, Jove, Optimus Maximus [‘All Good’])
Wife: Juno, Minerva
Animal associations: Eagle, Goat, Sheep,
Plant associations: Acorn, Agrimony, Almond,
Aloe, American Aspen, Beech, Cassia, Carna-
tion, Cedar, Common Aspen, Cypress, Daisy
(Ox-eyed), Fig, Gorse, Hyssop, Leek, Mullein,
Oak, Olive, Orange (sweet), Palm (date), Pine,
Sage, Vervain, Violate
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