(^364) A Wiccan Bible
ability to interpret dreams and perhaps divine
the future from dreams.
Nantosuelta—Female—Central Europe/
Northern Europe
Animal association: Raven
‘Winding river’—Gallic river and water god-
dess who is said to bless and protect the home.
As her name implies, the association to pro-
tecting the home is probably found in the ob-
servation that her people often build
settlements with the entrance facing a river such
that the river offered an element of protection.
Narasinha—Male—Near East
(Also known as Narasingha)
Animal association: Lion
Plant associations: Frankincense, Sunflower
Hindu fourth avatar of Vishnu. He is de-
picted as part man and part lion.
Na Reau—Male—Polynesian Islands
Polynesian god who created the first man
and woman. He told them not to procreate,
but of course they didn’t listen. This could be
a reflection of the Christian Adam and Eve
theme. Many Christians seem to believe that
the forbidden fruit that their Bible speaks of
was an analogy to sex. The difference is that
Na Reau forgave them. Patron of children who
become parents before they are ready
Nasr—Male—Middle East
(Also known as Nesr)
Animal association: Vulture
Mentioned in the Koran (71:23) as an idol.
His condemnation as a false god in the Koran
is similar to the condemnation that Moses gave
to similar deities. When we consider the great
amount of death that has been brought about
as a result of such statements, we begin to see
that although religious leaders and prophets
have every right to express their opinion, giv-
ing name to one Supreme God and demand-
ing that other images and names be forsaken
is the first step towards genocide.
Natigai—Male—Central Asia
Mongolian Earth god who, with his wife,
were the patrons of humanity in its attempts
to raise plants and animals. Patron of farmers
of crop and animal.
Ndengei—Male—Polynesian Islands
Animal association: Snake (serpent)
Creator seen by the folk of Fiji.
Nebo—Male—Middle East/Mediterranean
Babylonian god of teaching and education.
He and his wife Tashmit invented the written
language. Also the name of the island on which
the Hebrew prophet Moses died.
Nehalennia—Female—Central Europe/
Northern Europe
Animal association: Dog
Teutonic goddess of fertility and navigation
at sea. She became associated with commerce
in association with trade as linked to ocean
Animal associations: Bee, Vulture, Snake
(golden cobra), Spider
Egyptian goddess associated with the Ele-
ment Fire and the protection of the god
Duamutef. As her worship spread, she gradu-
ally became a war goddess.
Animal associations: Vulture, Snake (serpent),
Protective goddess of southern Egypt.
(Also known as Rhamnusia)
Father: Erebus
Mother: Nyx
Animal association: Deer
Plant associations: Apple, Ash
Greek goddess of anger and fate. She
brings great punishment to mortals who break
with moral law, especially against those who
do so for personal gain.
z WB Chap 17.p65 364 7/11/2003, 6:04 PM