A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

Liber ab Clementia (Book of Humanity)^365

(Also known as Neb-hut, Nebthet)
Lover: Osiris (or maybe Set)
Animal associations: Chicken (cock), Dog,
Plant associations: Cypress, Lily, Myrrh, Nettle,
Poppy (white)
‘Friend of the Dead’—Egyptian goddess as-
sociated with the Element Earth and the pro-
tection of the god Hapi. As Nephthys she is as
her name implies, friend of the dead, but she
is also Neb-hut (Nebthet), which means ‘Mis-
tress of Home.’ In that capacity, she is protec-
tor of children and women during childbirth.
Here we see again the connection between
birth and death.

Incense Recipe
2 parts Gum Arabic
1 part Sandalwood
1 parts Myrrh
1 part Cypress
1 part Poppy

Wife: Furrina, Salacia
Animal associations: Dolphin, Horse, Bull,
Fish, Shark, Whale
Plant associations: Ash, Bladderwrack, Lotus*,
Myrrh, Olive, Water Lily, Poppy (white), Sea-
weed (all)
* May have been connected to Lotus due to
the folk name use of the term Water Lily.
Roman god of fresh water who gradually
became associated with the sea through his
wife Salacia and his association with the Greek

Nergal—Male—Middle East/Mediterranean
Lover: Ereshkigal
Animal association: Lion
Sumero-Babylonian god of the Underworld
who brings baneful things to humanity. He is
responsible for sickness, blight, and war. With
his lover Ereshkigal, we see a clear personifi-
cation of many of the attributes Christianity

have given to Satan. In that connection, we
take note that Nergal is often described as the
evil attribute of Shamash. This gives rise to an
interesting thought: In Christian mythology, is
not Satan an aspect of the Christian God?

Animal associations: Dolphin, Fish, and to
some degree all sea creatures
The 50 daughters of Nereus and Doris who
live in the Mediterranean sea. Unlike the mer-
maids and mermen of lore, the Nereids are
depicted fully human. Instead of having the
tails of fish, they ride dolphin and other sea
creatures for transportation.

Father: Pontus
Mother: Gaia
Animal associations: Fish and other sea creatures
Greek ‘Old Man of the Sea.’ Father of the

Nerthus—Female/Male—Northern Europe
(Also known as Hertha)
Animal association: Cow
Scandinavian deity sometimes described as
a hermaphrodite, but most often cited as fe-
male. She is a goddess of prosperity and peace.
Again we see the association between prosper-
ity and war. When there is peace, there is pros-

‘Rain’—Masai god of rain. Often cited as a
Supreme sky god. He is the personification of
the black rain cloud when he is in a good mood
and a red rain cloud when he is in a bad mood.

Nganaoa—Male—Polynesian Islands
Animal association: Whale
Polynesian folk hero who kills three hor-
rible sea monsters (maybe whales), then guts
the beasts to find both his mother and father
inside, still alive.

z WB Chap 17.p65 365 7/11/2003, 6:05 PM

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