(^366) A Wiccan Bible
Nicneven—Female—Central Europe
Holiday: Samhain
Scottish goddess of Witches who is associ-
ated with Samhain.
Nidaba—Female—Middle East/Mediterranean
Animal association: Snake
Sumerian goddess of education, learning,
and the written language.
Father: Pallas
Mother: Styx
Animal association: Lynx
Plant associations: Benzoin, Sandalwood
(red), Rose
‘Victory’—Greek personification and god-
dess of victory. Seen as the constant compan-
ion to Athena, she is said to be able to run and
fly at speeds far in excess of human standards.
Her name was probably chosen for the now
famous shoe company for her talents at run-
ning, but years later we see that her attribute
as goddess of victory may have lent itself to
that company’s great success.
Incense Recipe
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Sandalwood (red)
1 part Rose (red or white)
Nikkal—Female—Middle East/Mediterranean
Husband: Yerah
Phoenician moon goddess and the goddess
of wild crafted harvests. She is associated with
the Sumerian Ningal, an Earth goddess. With
that and her husband being a moon god, one
thinks that perhaps her association with the
moon is more from her husband’s role and her
role might better be seen as Earth goddess who
presides over the wild crafted harvest.
Nina—Female—Middle East/Mediterranean/
Central Europe
(Also known as Eviene, Nimue, Niviene,
Animal association: Snake
Perhaps a Babylonian Water goddess as the
origin of the story of the Lady of the Lake as it
found its way into European lore and eventu-
ally into the story of King Arthur. Her name is
more likely an early generic term for goddess
(Lady or Queen).
Husband: Nanna or Sinn (Babylonian)
Animal association: Mongoose
‘Lady of the Summer’ or ‘Queen of Summer’—
Sumerian Earth Goddess. She is associated
with the Phoenician Nikkal.
Ningirsu—Male—Middle East/Mediterranean
Animal associations: Goat, Lion
‘Lord of Girsu’ or ‘King of Girsu’—Sumero-
Babylonian rain god who instructed humanity
in the art of negotiating with nature. Specifi-
cally, he is god of irrigation and the knowledge
of irrigation. As such, he is seen as a fertility
god of crops. His name is a reference to the
ancient city of Girsu.
Ninhursag—Female—Middle East/Mediter-
Husband: Enki
Daughter: Ninsar by Enki
Animal associations: Cow (calf), Snake
‘Lady of the Mountain’ or ‘Queen of the
Mountain’—Sumerian Earth Goddess associ-
ated mostly with mountains. See Enki for her
Ninkurra—Female—Middle East/Mediterra-
Father: Enki
Mother: Ninsar
Daughter: Uttu by Enki
Lover: Enki
Sumerian goddess whose father, lover, and
grandfather was Enki. See Enki for their story.
Ninlil—Female—Mediterranean/Middle East
(Also known as Belitis, Mullissu)
Husband: Enlil
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