A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

(^38) A Wiccan Bible
Raising Energy and its Relationship to Sex
Here, too, is the reason for sex magick as a sacred rite in the Wiccan religion. Now,
please do not understand me to say that public rituals should include sex as a method of
raising energy. Although Wicca in no way forbids such choices when all involved are
consenting adults, such activities are in the smallest of minorities within our commu-
nity. Instead, please understand me to say that what is previously described as the rais-
ing of energy is, itself, another symbolic Great Rite. In this instance, the dance is foreplay
when it is slow, coitus when it speeds, and simultaneous orgasm when the first dancer
or chanter falls out. So then, the actual act of sex is, in and of itself, sacred ritual and
thus can include the raising of energy.
Should a couple make love with intent of exploring mysteries, in this case of each
other’s soul, then like the raising of the cone of power in public ritual, there might not
be a need for a deliberate attempt to raise energy. However, if that lovemaking should
have an intent, then the intent should be clear. The act of sexual union, when done
right, causes certain chemicals to be released into the blood stream. So do ecstatic
dancing, chanting, and drumming. Those chemicals are similar in effect to the drugs
used in brainwashing and behavioral modification techniques. Interestingly enough,
similar drugs are sometimes used in conjunction with hypnosis for the reported pur-
pose of recalling suppressed memories. However, those practices have been all but
abandoned because rather than causing the recall of memories, the process tends to
implant memories. You can see why this would be a very powerful tool. When those
chemicals are present in our system, our minds become susceptible to the implantation
of thoughts. So during both ecstatic ritual and sex, our minds become more willing to
accept an intent. In the case of public ritual and ecstatic states being achieved by drum,
chant, and dance, the intent is that which is stated. In the case of lovemaking, there is
no difference other than it is more casually called pillow talk. Please understand I do
not draw a large line between ritual and real life. Making love is sacred with or without
candles and incense burning, and the most important altar in a marriage is the marital
If lovers are open to the idea of using sex to raise energy for a purpose, there are
many avenues that could be explored with the words spoken or chanted during sex. We
can use these principles to not only further our relationships but to bring into manifes-
tation the dreams and aspirations of those relationships.
Thanking our Lord and Lady
On the surface, the thanking of our Lord and Lady seems to be just common cour-
tesy. However, it is a great deal more. It is an affirmation that we understand the prin-
ciple that we are separated for the sake of union. Without separation, the creation of
potential, there could not be union—creation itself.
g WB Chap 0.p65 38 7/11/2003, 5:47 PM

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