A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

Liber ab Genesis (Book of Creation)^51

when that Nameless One is given a name, the sum total of all that which is sacred, all
life, is devalued. This is the nature of things, that when one gives name to the Creator,
one looks at his neighbor’s soul and sees diminished value. That act of naming the
Creator is the very act that allows one to look at those who do not agree and say of
them ‘They are all godless,’ or ‘They are with a false god.’ It also creates room for the
idea that the Creator has an adversary or something apart from itself.
In giving the Creator the name Allah, one also names the adversary as all who are
not followers of Allah, thus making it easy to take lives by saying they are all without
Allah. In giving the Creator the name Yahweh, one also names the adversary as all who
are not followers of Yahweh, thus making it easy to take lives by saying they are all
without Yahweh. This principle was just as true on the eleventh day of September in
the year 2001 as it was at the beginning of the Crusades. So know then plainly that the
Creator is all these things—Allah, Yahweh, and all other names given unto the Cre-
ator. So many in fact, that that which is the sum of Creation can have no name.
Forbidden in the same sense in my view of Wicca is the use of the name God to
refer to the Creator. Also forbidden is the word Goddess. For when we call the Cre-
ator God male, all who are female are devalued. Equally true is that in calling the
creator Goddess female, all who are male are devalued.
So then in Wicca, the name God or Lord is the name of the masculine principle of
all things; the name Goddess or Lady is the name of the feminine principle of all things.
Additional names are given to each as Allah is given to our Lord, so is Allat given to
our Lady. As Yahweh is given to our Lord, so is Aholibah given to our lady. For there
is no masculine aspect of the Creator without a balancing feminine aspect, no God
without Goddess, no Lord without Lady, and no father without mother.
So then what of the word Creator used as the name for the Creator? In my view of
Wicca, the use of the word Creator is not a name for the Creator. It is a tool by which
we can communicate belief with those who have chosen to give that Creator a name.
Should the people of Allah ask what does a Wiccan worship, the Wiccan might answer,
“The same holy Creator as you.” Should the people of Yahweh ask what a Wiccan
worships, the Wiccan might answer, “The same holy creator as you.” For this is how the
Wiccan views the many names given to the Creator by the many different religions, all
the many faces of one Creator.

h WB Chap 01.p65 51 7/11/2003, 5:48 PM

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