A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

(^88) A Wiccan Bible
Earth Oil
12 drops Patchouli
9 drops Bergamot
1/2 ounce base oil
The Union—The union of censor and pentacle is like the Druid tree that we discussed
in the first half of Book of Three. It is the symbol of Mother Earth (pentacle/roots)
who is below, Father Sky (the rising smoke/branches) who is above, and we their chil-
dren (the union of pentacle and censor) at center. In this union, the direction is as-
cending above as the smoke rises to the heavens. It is seen as Mother Earth reaching
for Father Sky and Father Sky accepting her embrace
The Second Union—Athame and Chalice
The Athame—The athame is a knife that represents the lightning of our Lord. It is in
essence the symbol of his phallus. Different traditions of Wicca have unique specifica-
tions for the athame. Most agree that the handle should be dark and that the blade be
double edged. The reason for the dark handle is because darker colors absorb light
more readily. It is thus believed that with a dark handle the athame will conduct magickal
energy better. While this might indeed help one visualize the conducting of energy, I
should point out that the logic behind this concept is rather flawed. Sure, dark colors
absorb one form of energy more readily, but those same folk often insist that the hilt of
the athame be wood, which is not one of the better conductors of a different type of
energy, that energy being electricity. If indeed we are speaking about conducting thought,
it is necessary to point out that the best description of that magickal energy is bioelec-
tric. So I do not feel a dark handle is absolutely necessary, especially not when that
inner voice has selected a tool with a light handle.
Generally speaking, the athame has a double blade, that blade being symbolic of
our Lord and Lady. They are themselves separate, but merging as we move forward
towards the tip. The hilt should fit comfortably into the palm and be no more than half
the total length of the athame. The blade should be no less than half the total length.
For practicality, the overall length should never exceed elbow to the tip of ones middle
finger. Anything longer should be considered a sword and used appropriately.
The Athame
k WB Chap 04.p65 88 7/11/2003, 5:50 PM

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