A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

Liber ab Quattuor (Book of Four)^93

folk who reverse the association based on the predominance of their hands. Should
they be right handed, Fire is on the right. Should they be left handed, Fire is on the left.
I believe this is because the dominant hand is considered the one most likely to cause
sudden change (like the Element Fire).
When we acknowledge that the force that brings those Elements and tools together
in Wiccan ritual, we see that the four Elements, brought together by humanity, are
indeed the very Druid tree we spoke about in Book of Three Part I. Our arms (branches)
reach for the Sky (Air and Fire). Our legs (roots) are firmly planted in Mother Earth
(Earth and Water). Our body (trunk) is the Fifth Element (Spirit) that unites the two
worlds. We are that Spirit and thus, the four Quarter’s union. For it is the power of
three that drives the principle of the four Elements to cause all life.

Generations and the Four Quarters

3–The Cycle Begins Again

1–Air (Father)

2–Earth (Mother)

3–Daughter (Bride)

2–Water (Mother)

3–Son (Groom)

1–Fire (Father)

2–Daughter (Bride)

1–Air (Father)

3–Daughter (Bride)

2–Earth (Mother)

1–Fire (Father)

3–Son (Groom)

2–Water (Mother)

1–Son (Groom)

The Four Quarters as Union

I was first introduced to the principle of four long before my eyes were opened to
it. I had seen the four Quarters called time and time before, but the tremendous sig-
nificance had escaped my young mind. As an adult, I had written a handfasting ritual
for two friends who were getting married. In that ritual, I suggested that the parents of
both groom and bride stood at the four Quarters of Wiccan ritual. That ritual appears
in Wicca for Couples. However, it was not until I saw that ritual performed that the
significance really sunk in.

Role in Handfasting Apparent Ethnicity
Father of Bride Central Asia
Father of Groom North Europe
Mother of Bride African American
Mother of Groom French Canadian

k WB Chap 04.p65 93 7/11/2003, 5:50 PM

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