A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

(^98) A Wiccan Bible
something that feels cold, to describe it as ‘hot’ would defeat the purpose of language
and communication. As I mentioned in Book of Genesis, this is not something that I
am forcing on all Wiccans everywhere. It is simply part of what the word Wicca has
come to mean.
By assigning name and form to our Lord and Lady, we allow ourselves to interact
with them on a more intimate level. I am sure you can see how it is much easier to
develop a close personal relationship with someone you can see, feel, and touch. This is
why religions that are dominated by a central authority tend to forbid the use of idols.
How much authority would the central authority have if they did not work as the middle-
man between you and the Creator—in Wicca, that Creator being our Lord and Lady?
You can easily observe this in the bickering between Christian denominations. The
Baptists tend to bash the Catholics because the Catholics tend to use a crucifix on their
altars. Because there is a depiction of Jesus on the cross (an idol), the Baptists tend to
think the Catholics worship idols. I can’t begin to describe the look on my Catholic
mother’s face the first time someone explained that Catholics are all Pagan idol wor-
shipers. There is one flavor of fundamental Christian who bashes the Baptists for al-
lowing pictures of Jesus on their Christmas cards, another flavor of fundamental
Christian bashes still other fundamental Christians because that flavor allows their teen-
agers to wear t-shirts with pictures of Jesus. They and many more do not want you to
develop a close personal relationship with your view of the Creator, so the tools by
which one can do so are forbidden. Around and around it goes. Where does it stop?
Right here.
Catholics do not worship idols; they worship that which the idol represents. Bap-
tists do not worship Christmas cards; they worship what those greeting cards represent.
Fundamental Christian teenagers do not worship t-shirts, they worship... wait a minute,
according to many parents, some teenagers do just about worship clothing. Those par-
ents tell me it is one of the most expensive religions available to our youth. But guess
what? Some Wiccans do worship idols.
In many respects, Wicca is not unlike other religions. Just like other religions of the
world, it is possible to look at Wicca and see only that which is plainly visible while
being blind to the significance, the hidden meaning behind that which is seen. With
that knowledge, one might then repeat the observed actions and call oneself Wiccan.
By that standard, one might then run down to their local Wiccan bookstore and pur-
chase the largest, coolest statue of our Lord and Lady. Far be it for me, the owner of
one of those local stores, to deter you in that purchase. But please do not think that
such a purchase will make you the largest, coolest Wiccan.
The statues and even the images themselves are tools by which we further our
understanding. Yes, they are idols but who does not see the gods through idols? An
idol is not just a statue or even a picture on your coffee table. It is a concept, a mental
image. An idol is a construct for understanding. Should one claim not to incorporate
idols into their religion, ask them to describe the Creator. If they answer the question,
then they have a mental image of that Creator. They are in fact using an idol in their
worship and understanding.
l WB Chap 05.p65 98 7/11/2003, 5:50 PM

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