Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


  1. If patient’s condition does not progress, discharge and follow on a twice weekly basis.

  2. In a field or remote setting, manage aggressively with dexamethasone 6 mg IM q 12 hours for a total
    of 4 doses to prevent fetal respiratory distress syndrome and maternal thrombocytopenia, and to improve
    perinatal outcome in severe preeclampsia.

  3. Give magnesium sulfate (to prevent seizures) by a controlled continuous infusion with a loading dose of
    4-6 gm in 100 ml over 15-20 min. followed by a continuous infusion of 2-3 gm/hr. Toxic levels cause
    muscle weakness, respiratory paralysis, and cardiac arrest. Administer calcium gluconate 1 gm slow IV
    push over 2-3 minutes to counteract magnesium toxicity.
    Severe Preeclampsia:

  4. With SBP > 180 mm Hg or the DBP > 110 mm Hg, the possibility of intracerebral damage increases
    warranting antihypertensive medication. Give Hydralazine (Apresoline) 5-10 mg IV every 20 minutes as
    indicated, or labetalol 20 mg IV q 10 min with a max dose of 300 mg, to reduce BP. Monitoring BP q 5
    minutes for at least 30 min. after giving the drug. Please note that some of the side effects with labetalol
    are maternal tachycardia, headache and flushing.

  5. Give magnesium sulfate as above.

  6. Evacuate.

  7. Give magnesium sulfate as above.

  8. Provide oxygen and airway support as needed.

  9. Evacuate.

  10. If evacuation not feasible deliver the fetus after seizure activity has abated.

  11. If magnesium sulfate is not available, consider cesarean section as only option to save both mother and
    fetus (see Cesarean Section procedure).

Patient Education
Activity: Remain at bedrest on left side to minimize symptoms.
Prevention: Increase water intake, but maintain normal salt intake.

Follow-up Actions
Evacuation/Consultant Criteria: Evacuate early to avoid complications of eclampsia. Consult experts for
management in remote settings (to include C-Section if necessary).

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