Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


(c) 1+–definite turbidity.
(d) 2+–heavy turbidity but no floccules.
(e) 3+–heavy cloud with floccules.
(f) 4+–heavy cloud with heavy floccules.
c. Glucose–Clinitest procedure.
(1) Place 5 drops of urine into a 15 x 85 mm test tube.
(2) Add 10 drops of water to the test tube.
(3) Drop in a Clinitest tablet. Boil.
(4) Read the results 15 seconds after boiling stops. Observe during the test for pass through.
CAUTION: Do not shake the tube while it is boiling.
(5) Mix the tube by gentle shaking it.
(6) Compare the color of the solution with the color chart.
d. Ketones–Acetest procedure.
(1) Place one Acetest tablet onto a clean, dry piece of white paper.
(2) Dispense 1 drop of urine on top of the tablet.
(3) After 30 seconds, compare the color of the tablet to the Acetest chart.
(a) Positive--purple color.
(b) Negative--tan color.
e. Bilirubin–Ictotest procedure.
(1) Place the special Ictotest mat on a paper towel.
(2) Drop 10 drops of urine onto the test mat.
(3) Place one Ictotest tablet in the center of the moistened mat.
CAUTION: Do not touch the tablet with your fingers.
(4) Place 1 drop of water onto the tablet and wait 5 seconds.
(5) Place a second drop of water on the tablet so that both drops run off the tablet onto the mat.
(6) Look for a blue to purple color of the mat at 60 seconds, which indicates the presence of
NOTE: Normal urine is a slightly pink to red color on the mat.
(7) Read the results by comparing the color of the mat to the color chart.

  1. Perform microscopic examination.
    a. Centrifuge the urine specimen at 1500 to 2000 rpm for 5 minutes.
    b. Pour off the supernatant, mix, and place a drop of the remaining sediment on a glass slide
    covering it with a coverslip.
    c. Examine the entire cover-slipped area of the slide under low power magnification with subdued
    light to locate any casts.
    NOTE: Confirm the casts under high power with subdued light.
    d. Record and report the number of casts per low power field (#/LPF).
    e. Scan 10 to 15 fields under high dry (40x) magnification to identify the specific types of cells
    f. Record and report the count of cells as the number seen per high power field (#/HPF).
    g. Record and report elements such as mucus threads, parasites, crystals, and/or yeast as
    h. Grade the amount of bacteria seen from “-” to “4+”.
    NOTE: Sperm is reported verbally.

  2. Identify the clinical significance of abnormal results.
    a. Proteinuria.
    (1) Renal damage/ disease.
    (2) Multiple myeloma (specifically Bence Jones protein).
    (3) Strenuous exercise.
    b. Glycosuria.
    (1) Diabetes mellitus.
    (2) Central nervous system damage.
    (3) Pregnancy with undiagnosed diabetes mellitus.
    (4) Metabolism disorders.
    c. Ketonuria.

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