Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


(1) Starvation.
(2) Diabetic acidosis.
d. Blood.
(1) Hematuria - intact RBCs.
(a) Renal disease or calculi.
(b) Exposure to toxic drugs or chemicals.
(c) Trauma.
(d) Strenuous exercise or menstruation.
(2) Hemoglobinuria - lysed RBCs.
(a) Severe burns.
(b) Transfusion reactions.
(c) Infections.
(d) Strenuous exercise.
(3) Myoglobinuria - protein found in muscle tissue.
(a) Muscular trauma.
(b) Lengthy coma.
(c) Muscle-wasting diseases.
(d) Extreme muscular exertion.
e. Bilirubinuria.
(1) Cirrhosis.
(2) Hepatitis.
f. Increased urobilinogen.
(1) Liver disease.
(2) Hemolytic disorders.
g. Nitrites. Some bacteria reduce nitrate to nitrite, which is not a normal constituent of urine.
(1) Cystitis.
(2) Antibiotic therapy.
(3) Urinary tract infections.
(4) Specimen contamination from improper preservation.
h. Specific gravity.
(1) Diabetes insipidus (SG < 1.003).
(2) Hydration (normal SG) and dehydration (SG > 1.033).
i. Leukocytes–urinary tract infections.

  1. Record and report the correct results for a given specimen.

Lab Procedures: Wet Mount and KOH prep
MAJ Ann Friedmann, MC, USA

When: To assess sample (discharge, scraping, biopsy) for presence of Candida or Tinea.

What You Need: Sample, slide, coverslip, normal saline in dropper or vial, 10% KOH (potassium
hydroxide), small cotton swab, and a microscope.

What To Do:

  1. Obtain specimen (see Pelvic Exam procedure guide, Candidiasis section, Tinea section, Vaginal
    Discharge section, etc.). Collect fluid or discharge on cotton swab. Put a scraping sample or biopsy
    directly on slide.

  2. For fluid or discharge: place 1 drop each of discharge on right and left ends of slide.

  3. Place one small drop of KOH on one drop of sample. Perform whiff test (smell for amine odor).

  4. Place one small drop of normal saline on other spot.

  5. Cover each sample with glass cover slip.

  6. Observe under microscope. Microscopically examine the KOH portion for hyphae and spores under the

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