Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Appendices: Mini-Mental Status Exam

The Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE) is the most useful tool for assessing brain function in the field. Once a baseline
score is established with an initial MMSE, improvement or worsening mental status can be observed with repeated

Specific Test Function Brain Area Tested Points
What is the year/season/month/date/day of the week? Orientation (Frontal) 5
(1 for each correct answer)
What state/county/hospital/floor are you in? Orientation (Frontal) 5
(Use other cues, such as military unit, etc.,
when appropriate).
List three items. Have the patient repeat the list. Registration (Frontal) 3
Serial sevens- ask the patient to count backwards Concentration (Frontal) 5
by 7 from 100, or have them spell “WORLD” backwards.
Name an object you point to, such as a Naming (Dominant Temporoparietal) 2
wristwatch or pen.
Have patient repeat, “No ifs, ands. or buts.” Expressive Speech (Dominant Frontal) 1
3-part command: Take this paper in your right hand, Command (Frontal) 3
fold it in half & put it on the table.
Read “close your eyes,” on paper and do it. Reading (Dominant Temporoparietal) 1
Recall the three items listed earlier. Short-term Memory (Hippocampal) 3
Write a sentence. Writing (Dominant Temporoparietal) 1
Copy intersecting pentagons Construction (Nondominant Parietal) 1

Eye Opening Response Spontaneous 4
To Verbal Command 3
With Painful Stimulus 2
No Response 1
Best Verbal Response Oriented 5
Confused 4
Inappropriate Words 3
Incomprehensible Sounds 2
None 1
Best Motor Response Obeys Command 6
Localizes Pain 5
Withdraws (pain) 4
Flexion (pain) 3
Extension (pain) 2
None 1
Total 3 to 15

Appendices: Glasgow Coma Scale

Any patient with a GCS of 8 or less is considered to have a severe head injury. Those in the 9
to 12 range are considered moderate, but may require airway control. Any GCS of 13 to 15 is
considered indicative of mild head injury, but even these patients can deteriorate and should be
observed or evacuated per the guidelines in the handbook.
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