Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


CAT - computerized axial tomography
cath - catheter
CASEVAC - casualty evacuation
CBC - complete blood count
CBR - chemical, biological, radiation
CC - chief or current complaint
cc - cubic centimeter
CDC - Centers for Disease Control
CF - cystic fibrosis
CHF - congestive heart failure
Cl - chloride
CLC - cutaneous larva currens
CLM - cutaneous larva migrans
cm - centimeter
CNS - central nervous system
CO - carbon monoxide
CO 2 - carbon dioxide
c/o - complains of
COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPAP - continuous positive airway pressure
CPD - cephalopelvic disproportion
CPK - creatine phosphokinase
CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CRAO - central retinal artery occlusion
CRF - chronic renal failure
CRNA - certified registered nurse anesthetist
CS - compartment syndrome
C & S - culture and sensitivity
C-section - cesarean section
CSF - cerebral spinal fluid
CT - clotting time
CVA - cerebrovascular accident; costovertebral
CVD - cardiovascular disease
CVP - central venous pressure
CXR - chest x-ray
d - day
DBP - diastolic blood pressure
DC - duty cycle; Dental Corps
D/C - discharge or discontinue
D & C - dilatation and curettage or curettement
DCS - decompression sickness
DIC - diffuse intravascular coagulation
DIP - distal interphalangeal
DJD - degenerative joint disease
DKA - diabetic ketoacidosis
DM - diabetes mellitus
DMARD - disease modifying antirheumatic drug
DMO - Diving Medical Officer
DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid
DNBI - disease/non-battle injuries

Do Not Resuscitate Guidelines A-

DO - Doctor of Osteopathy
DOA - dead on arrival

DOB - date of birth
DOE - dyspnea on exertion
DOT - directly observed therapy
DPN - drops per minute
DT - diphtheria toxoid and tetanus toxoid (for
children under 7 years of age)
DTP - diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, pertussis
DTR - deep tendon reflexes
DTs - delirium tremens
DVT - deep vein thrombosis
Dx - diagnosis
EAC - external auditory meatus
EBA - emergency breathing apparatus
EBL - estimated blood loss
EBV - Epstein-Barr virus
E. coli - Escherichia coli
EDC - estimated date of confinement
EEG - electroencephalogram
e.g. - for example
EGA - estimated gestational age
EKG; ECG - electrocardiogram
EM - erythema migrans
EMD - electromechanical disassociation
EMG - electromyogram
EMS - emergency medical service
ENT - ear, nose, and throat
EOM - extraocular movement
ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate
ESRD - end-stage renal disease
ET - endotracheal tube; Eustachian tube
ETOH - ethyl alcohol
F - Fahrenheit
FB - foreign body
FBS - fasting blood sugar
FDA - Food and Drug Administration
Fe - iron
FEV - forced expiratory volume
FFP - fresh frozen plasma
FHR - fetal heart rate
FHT - fetal heart tone
F Hx - family history
fib - fibrillation
FITT - frequency, intensity, time, type
FP - family practice
fsw - feet of salt water
FT - full term
ft - foot; feet
F/U - follow-up
FUO - fever of unknown or undetermined origin
FVC - forced vital capacity
Fx - fracture
g - gram(s)
ga - gauge
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