Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1



A vitamin deficiency, 5–138t
ABC protocol mnemonic, 8–1
with chemical burns, 7–18
for electrical or lightning injury, 7–27
for hypoxia, 6–9
for marine animal bites, 6–17—6–18
for trauma management, 7–1—7–3
acute pain in
assessment of, 3–1
causes of, 3–3t
field management goals with, 3–2
follow-up, 3–2
objective signs of, 3–4t
patient education on, 3–2
signs of, 3–1
symptoms of, 3–1
treatment plan, 3–2
aortic aneurysm of, 3–6
examination of
in secondary trauma survey, 7–4
for urinary tract problems, 4–87
pain in
in acute organic intestinal obstruction, 4–86
in appendicitis, 4–71
in bacterial food poisoning, 4–79
non-food-poisoning etiologies in, 4–80
in tapeworm infections, 5–48
tenderness in, 5–35
trauma to
in adrenal insufficiency, 4–27
in horses, 5–133
ABO grouping, 8–59
in crossmatching, 8–60
Abrasions, debridement of, 8–26
Bartholin’s gland, 3–52—3–53
incision and drainage of, 3–53—3–55
breast, 3–8
drainage of, 3–9
incision and drainage of, 3–9—3–10
inflamed, removal of, 8–27
periapical, 5–9, 5–13
untreated, 5–13—5–14
periodontal, 5–15
removal of, 8–26
tooth, draining of, 5–26
Acclimatization, 6–47—6–48


for acute mountain sickness, 6–38
for avulsed tooth, 5–14
for breast engorgement, 3–9
for centipede bites, 4–56
for common cold and flu, 4–11
in hepatitis A, 5–72
for infectious mononucleosis, 5–80
for joint pain, 3–63
for mastitis, 3–8
overdose of, 3–58
for pain control, 8–38, 8–40
replacing aspirin, 4–85
for temporomandibular joint dislocation, 5–19
for venomous snake bite, 5–145
in yellow fever, 5–70
for acute mountain sickness, 6–38
for high altitude cerebral edema, 6–39
for high altitude pulmonary edema, 6–41
for red eye, 3–25
side effects of, 6–38
for vision loss, 3–23
Acetest, 8–42
Acetic acid, 6–15
Achalasia, 6–22
Achilles stretching, 5–1
Acid-alcohol reagent, 8–47
Acid burns, 7–19
Acid-fast bacilli, Ziehl-Neilson stain for, 8–47
Acid-fast bacteria, fecal, 8–51
Acid suppression, 4–85
ACLS. See Advanced cardiac life support
differential diagnosis of, 4–65
pustules in, 4–38
Acoustic neuroma, 3–20
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, 5–77.
See also Human immunodeficiency
differential diagnosis of, 3–112t
Acral lentiginous melanoma, 4–68
Acromioclavicular joint, 3–70
anesthetic injection into, 3–71
capsulitis of, 3–71
Activated charcoal
for anaphylactic shock, 7–11
for poisoning, 5–142
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
adenoviruses in, 5–64
alleviating or aggravating factors, 4–24
assessment of, 4–25
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