Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


causes of, 4–24
differential diagnosis of, 5–100
follow-up, 4–25
in pancreatitis, 4–82
patient education for, 4–25
phases of, 4–24
signs of, 4–25
symptoms of, 4–24
treatment of, 4–25
Acute stress disorder, 3–5
for Bell’s palsy, 4–38
for herpes simplex, 5–29
for herpes simplex encephalitis, 3–86
for herpes zoster, 4–47
for herpetic oral lesions, 5–16
for meningitis, 4–36
Addison’s disease, 4–27
in animals, 5–126
suppurative, 5–93
Adenovirus infection
assessment of, 5–64
differential diagnosis of, 3–112t, 4–11
follow-up for, 5–65
patient education for, 5–65
risk factors for, 5–64
signs of, 5–64
symptoms of, 5–64
treatment for, 5–64
vaccination for, 4–13
Adrenal insufficiency
alleviating or aggravating factors in, 4–27
assessment of, 4–27—4–28
causes of, 4–27
follow-up, 4–28
patient education, 4–28
signs of, 4–27
sub-acute and chronic, 4–27
symptoms of, 4–27
treatment of, 4–28
Advanced cardiac life support
cardiac resuscitation, 4–7
against chemical blood agents, 6–52
protocol, for decompression sickness, 6–5
Advil, 4–84
ADVON (advanced party), 1–3
AEIOU-TIPS mnemonic, 5–140
Aeromonas food poisoning, 4–79
Aerospace medicine
barodontalgia in, 6–32—6–33
barosinusitis in, 6–33—6–34
barotitis in, 6–34—6–35
decompression sickness in, 6–35—6–37
hypoxia in, 6–31—6–32
Aerozoin, 5–8
AF Form 3899, 1–22
African trypanosomiasis
assessment of, 5–52

follow-up for, 5–53
patient education for, 5–52—5–53
signs of, 5–52
symptoms of, 5–52
transmission of, 5–52
treatment for, 5–52
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–53
for barosinusitis, 6–34
for barotitis, 6–35
for common cold and flu, 4–11
for ear barotrauma, 6–2
AGE. See Arterial gas embolism
AIDS. See Acquired immune deficiency syn-
drome; Human immunodeficiency virus
Air conditioner lung, 4–18
Air embolism
with blood transfusion, 8–19
treatment of, 8–20
Air evacuation
CASEVAC, marking and lighting of landing zone,
1 –31, 1–32
patient loads in, 1–33
phone list for, 1–33
Air Force Patient Movement Precedence, 1–22
Airflow obstruction, 4–21
assessment of
during intubation, 8–4
for trauma, 7–5
compromise of
differential diagnosis of, 7–24
with massive hemoptysis, 7–24, 7–25f
management of
assessment for, 8–1
with chemical burns, 7–18
equipment for, 8–1
indications for, 8–1
Naval special warfare combat trauma
AMAL items for, 1–21
precautions in, 8–4
procedure for, 8–1—8–4
for trauma, 7–1
obstruction of
dyspnea with, 3–116
treatment of, 3–117
patency of, 8–1
securing, for poisoning, 5–141
support of, for venomous snake bite, 5–146
Airway/breathing management, M5 item list, 1–18
for ascariasis, 5–34
for clonorchiasis, 5–36
for cutaneous larva migrans, 5–42
for enterobiasis, 5–37
for hookworm, 5–42
for tapeworm infections, 5–49
for trichuriasis, 5–51
Albumin, 7–22
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